When: 7.30pm GMT, Monday
Where: Meet outside Militia Barracks, Cove
Bring: Full Combat Gear, Bandages, Potions!
The Kaldorian LineLast venture we had to the Line, we captured another Sentry Point! Only one remains! However, the Kaldorians are keen to reclaim the land that they have lost, and shall be placing massive offensive on our recently acquired position.
The Kaldorian Line as it stands. Objectives* All Sentry Points must be captured. Covians currently hold the two Sentry Points.
Conditions* To capture a Sentry Point, the Enemy must be routed.
* To retake a Sentry Point (for the Enemy) two battles must be won.
* All Sentry Points must be captured before moving onto the next phase of the Campaign.
* Both forces have a healing time of
fifteen minutes.
* You may NOT rejoin a current battle that you have been knocked out in.
* The event will last for approximately an hour on first clash of arms.
Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council