I have continued my investigation. I was told by one of the residents of cove earlier that sometimes woundering gypsys buy things without asking questions so i made my way to the west following the trail of a gypsy group who had stoped by Cove the day before. Finally i cought up with them and asking around i was directed to their leader, a man named Gavin, he told me that whilst he did not traffic in such things himself, often times such things were bought and sold at a briganed camp he knew of. I carefully wrote down his dirrections and set off to the camp for with no solid evidence i felt i could not afford to pass by any tips that came my way.
and so i trecked all the way to a brigand outpost on the road from britan to yew where i questioned the inhabitants most forcefully. They were reluctent to talk at first and each one i had to chase down and then clobber to the ground affore he would consent to answer my questions. Eventually i had questioned them all.
So it is at the end of the day i am no closer to the theif than i was at the start .... no matter for tomorrow is a new day!