Guardsmen attending
James Guardsman recruit
Constantius Guardsman recruit
Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier (leading)
Whilst on me way te town, havin' jus' woken up, i came across two guardsmen not doin' much. I told 'em te wait at th' barracks, i'll find 'em somethin' te do!
We marched onwards, until we came across a mountain path. This was where they were......
As we walked further into th' vast mountains, we suddenly heard strange, sinister sounds, an' then ou' o' nowhere a huge ant-like creature appeared! Well, i say ant-like if ants were 10 feet tall an' 'ad a nasty temper!
We set abou' showin' it th' sharp end of our swords, an' carried on, only te be assualted by an even bigger one!
Soon, we 'ad come te a dead end, tha' we worked ou' mus' be th' nest of 'em all!
After a quick look aroun' it, we carried on, bu' all 'ad become quiet....
So we decided tha' we'd done our duty, an' headed 'ome, back te the fine town of Cove, safe in th' knowledge that we'd made th' lands a little bit safer.
Good work lads, ye followed orders well.
*Beats chest*
Vince Valentine
Regular Guardsman