21st January, 5pm GMT
Lead by Regular Guardsman Anari,
Junior Guardsman Kas Valentine
Guardsman Recruit Geit Arma
Anari put us through our paces, starting with some basic formation commands. I 'ad to explain what they meant and such, but were alrigh' 'cause I knew 'em! Using some bandages as stand-ins though, as only three of us were present.
Next came our fitness: five laps o' the arena, followed by ten pressups! I were already tired out from the day's hunting, but manage to complete them successfully.
With our armour back on, a bit o' healing training was next. Anari's axe were no match for meh speedy bandaging, and Kas' arcane healing skills!
Finaly on a lighter note, we had a race across the arena. I managed ter beat Kas first time 'round, but the second time 'e did some fancy wrestlin' move on me, and I could nay run!
Nevertheless, Anari assures me my recruit cadre is complete!
[OOC]: I'm having trouble hosting images too, sorry