A Hunt To Shame Led By Anari.Led By: Anari,
Present: Joey Lanai
Dylan Freewater
Thomas Sendrich
Geit Arma
Edmund Rufus
We set off fer Shame, A grand band o' warriors, nothin' was going ter stop us, things was lookin' good, we were knocking down wave after wave o' Scorpions an' men made o' earth, so we headed down ter the second level.. We started bashing down th' Dull Copper men, they too provided no threat, even th' water attacked us an' we bashed it down inter tiny puddles. Down to the next level throught the evil black moongate thing.. gah i 'ate them. 'Ere we bashed a squidgey sea creature more water and dull copper men an' entered th' Tower full o' mages... they bashed Anari goo' and he fell down, got right back up and started bashin' them harder, they didn't know wha' hit them... his revenge was swift an' the tower was cleared o' evil mages! Then it was time ter return home, wi' a grand amoun' o' gold fer the coffers!
A large sketch o' the entire journey...
Signed: Dylan Freewater.