Hunt to the Lighthouse
When: 06/03/06 15:00
Where: Lighthouse
Bring: Usual Kit
Commanding Officer: Vince Valentine Officer Cadet
Guardsmen in attendance:
Saiidin watchman
Kal shadow hand officer cadet
I and Vince were out on a patrol around the shire and I was informing Vince of how I had my arse kicked that morning by a load of Stone harpies at the lighthouse and how I would like to get some revenge so we set out on a hunt to the lighthouse.
As we arrived I was attack from behind and when I came round Vince was wrapping bandages around me head and I slowly cam round and saw a body of a dragon next to me covered in arrows (looked like Vince had really give it a good go) we carried on down the path killing more as we went .
We was there a while and we had both started to run low in supplies so Vince returned to the barracks to get some more stuff I decide to stay and wait till he returned . I carried on fighting the beasts while he left and got myself in quite a few scrap I was just at the end of my energy from the distance I could See Vince and Kal charging towards the beast which I thought was going to knock me down .
I topped up me supplies with the stuff that Vince had brought and we carried on the hunt they were getting a little easy to battle and I was quite proud to be fighting along side two great leaders show me there skills and the best way to kill these beasts
after a few hours we decide to go home for some ale and food on the way I was talking to Vince about joining the Grenadiers and he was advising me the best paths to take to becoming a Grenadiers
Salidin Watchman Guardsmen