Covian Guardsman
Covian Regular
Karma: +5/-3
Posts: 142
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:28:36 am » |
Tribal Hunt- 21:00 [17/04/2006
Main Message Where: [Start at the Barracks] Bring: [Usual Kit ]
Fellow solidiers i am learing the art of cooking so i can keep you food eating ale drinking lot in good stead and i am in need of Some tribal berrys to try out some new Recipes and so i would like to lead a hunt to the tribal village in Compassion .These savages seem to keep these tribal berrys to them selfs and so makes it hard to get hold of i have also heard that these beasts are a dab hand at fighting and so would be a good scrap to so if you can make it meet me on the above day and where go give them a good kicking