To ye the good people of Cove,
A Church-hating Heretic walketh amongst ye. The Guardsman Recruit Seamus Mchain hath committed many acts of heresies. Not content with comparing our Holy Faith with 'fairy tales', he doth now defile Cove's Holy Church with wytchery.
I was sitting in the Church last night praying as is my custom. My devotions to Our Lord were most foully interupted by a voice repeatedly speaking the magery words of power, over and over. Within the very walls of the Church!
Wrathful at the sight of the Recruit Seamus commiting this vile act within our Lord's Blessed Church, I did take him to task on this. He fled, escaping me.
The Disciple Marcus joined me in the search for this heathenous wretch and our pursuit of him ended with my beating him senseless to the ground. I then chastised the Recruit, foolishly hopeful the chastisement I did deliver upon him would open his eyes to the Truth of the Avatar. Alas, he refuted my remonstrations and did proclaim himself "sinless". Having thus committed the Sins of Pride and Dishonesty, he did flee once more, using his arcane arts.
I rejoined Brother Marcus and we did catch the heretic near the tavern and escorted him to the Barracks arena. 'Tis there the worst was to come.
In front of witnesses the heretic did call the servants of the Church 'idiots', did claim we were the true heathens and did voice his wish that the Baron turn from the Light of the Blessed Avatar and banish the Church. Not content with the blasphemies already uttered, he did then urge those present to rise against the Church. All the while casting spells and summoning a foul servant of the Guardian, namely the llama. 'Tis fortunate he succeedeth not in summoning the Black Cat, Baphomet. Brother Marcus did attempt to sway this heretic but to no avail. Senior Guardsman Arc among others did witness some of these heresies. I composed some sketches of the heretic's actions and have included them below this notice.
I warn ye, Guardsmen and citizens of Cove, to be vigilent against the honey-tongued words of this heretic. I will report these misdeeds to the Lord Preceptor Hugo for his
Sentencing Judgement. It is beyond my wisdom to know if this heretic can be redeemed other than by mortification of the flesh by scourge or fire.
Venite in pacem,
Roland DagorianTempli Squire