When: Wednesday, 1st August
Where: Shame
First of all I must sadly report that my sketches were all ruined, soaked in blood after one of them blood elementals exploded all over me. Pity, had a few good ones too.
Led by: Joey Lanai, Dragoon Sergeant
Attended by:
Garak Nightchill, Watchman
Nicholi, Dragoon Corporal (attended late)
Salick Kaysen, Guardsman Recruit
List ruined by the blood elemental, please sign off if ye were on this great hunt.
Sergeant Lanai led us to this dungeon and bravely we fought our way in. Not content with a short raid, we went to the deepest levels, fighting elder gazers, acid elementals, blood elementals.
We raised a huge sum for the coffers, 50,000 crowns or thereabouts.
Apologies for the brevity of this report and lack of sketches, me notes and sketches were ruined. If ye attended, sign off please
Garak NightchillWatchman
(OOC: Apologies, got a bit overzealous keeping my Mum's computer uncluttered and deleted this hunts pics (and there were some good ones too) which also had the attended list, before uploading them to phoobucket
