Jenifer Feather
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +22/-12
Posts: 1377
The Light Company
« on: August 14, 2006, 12:09:08 pm » |
"Hrrm, Chaff's We got a fair amount o' Scouts now don' yer think?" "Ya' We do Jen, Perhaps we should mould them into real mean lean fighting machines...?" "Aye.. I agree.. Well.. Lets get this show on th' road.. We should invite anyone who wants ter be a scout as well.." "Agreed."
So then! Anyone who wishes to become a Scout or is already a Scout is to meet at the Scout Halls! Nay th' Scout tower.. Th' Scout halls is east of the barracks through the main gate and follow the houses... Can't miss it.
Where : Scout Halls When : 7pm Wednesday 22nd Who : Scouty types Why : To see how things are done! Bring : Yourselves.
Signed : Jenifer Feather
[OOC] OMGOOGLES OLD PEOPLE SUCK AT EATING... took two hours i apologise SO much, this will be happening next week instead, i promise! ^.^ [/OOC]