Now it takes a Grenadier to truly
"know" the
"Grenadier way".To other guardsman it may mean, undying loyalty to the Baron, brotherhood or simply a way with the ladies, which is ofcourse is all true but to a Grenadier it is also much more than that.
The ability to drink large amounts of ale and still bellow the
Grenadiers Song are of course fine virtues but not the only ones the Old Guard follow.
Honour and Sacrifice are the noble virtues of the Grenadiers and earlier this day Demarian and I set about
the Grenadiers quest for virtue.
Attended by:Raiden, Senior Grenadier.
Demaian Tel'Var, Regular Grenadier.
We ventured to the lands of Ilshenar and a deep dark dungeon that oozed blood.
Before we entered the vault we were set upon by imps and undead warriors but we stood fast, healed well and overcame our numerous foes...
'Tis the Grenadier way. *nods sagely*We entered the dungeon in order to find the guardians spawn... daemons. The plan was to each challenge these hideous beings to
honourable single combat.
We had not ventured far when we were set upon by vile blood elementals and a golden daemon. Again the Grenadier spirit held true and we slew our foes before reaching the daemon's chamber.
One after one we challenged them and one after one they fell. We fought them honourably but I nay think their souls would be reprieved and it was not long before their miserable corpses were stacked knee high.
We heard the fowl cry of a sucubus near by so we steeled ourselves and shields locked we advanced into the fray...
'Tis the Grenadier way.We fought hard and more than once it seemed our efforts might be in vain. But our heater shields battered and our weapons almost blunt we brought the monstrosity down.
With almost the last of my strength a hacked the creatures wings off to hang above the hearth in the Grenadiers Hall as a trophy of our fine efforts.
Our mission complete we headed back to Cove, the tavern and a well earned ale...
'Tis the Grenadier way.*signed*Raiden, Senior Grenadier.