Xander Laedon
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 27
« on: November 28, 2006, 12:09:07 am » |
Name: Xander Laedon Age: 26 Birthplace: Britain.
Appearance: Xander stand's at six feet tall. He has dark brown eyes and his cheek bones are strong. His hair is neatly tied on each side of his head, the two tails fall over the front of his chest. Unlike his neatly tied hair, Xander has a rough beard that is just as long as his hair. Well toned muscles cover his body, a farmer's build if any.
Discription: Xander is a bright and energetic fellow. He is nothing but polite, and alway's seems willing to help someone. He listen's extremely well and devotes himself to any and all tasks at hand. When not serving his duties, Xander tries to busy himself with extra dutie's to prove his worthiness or to entertain himself. Xander seems to be high spirited and always carrying a smile on his face. This infact confuses most people, because in the heat of battle his smile fades.
When locked in combat Xander is 100% focus, and concentrates on the object at hand. His commitment and dedication to winning take's over his polite manners. His ears are perked for any commands and his spear doesn't stop for a moment. Any goals that Xander has in battle or out of battle usually are achieved due to his unmatchable determination.
Brief Background: Xander was born in Britain. His mother and father were hard working farmer's. Most of his day's consisted of herding the cattle, and cropping the fields. It was not long until Xander was built like a man and working like a bull.
Richard Laedon, Xander's father, was a stern man. He was polite and kept his manner's, but he kept to himself as much as possible. Not one for other's company he was always working on the farm, allowing Xander to keep busy as well.
Joyce Laedon, Xander's mother, was a fine woman indeed. She spent most of her day's cooking, and her day's off cooking for the city. She supplied a small bakery in Britain with her pies and other goodies.
The family Laedon were well known farmer's. This was mainly because the produced the most crops thanks to Richard's commitment to the farm. All of the soldier's knew of the family, and that's what they took a liking to young Xander.
Xander spent most, if not all, of his free time with the Britannian soldiers. Each day a different soldier would teach him something new. By the age of twenty Xander was just as talented with a kryss and spear as most of the soldiers. Rarely was he ever hit because of his exceptional parrying ability's.
After years passed, Xander's mother and father passed on. The people who ran Britain were growing bitter, and power hungry. All farmer's were on a strict routine and expected to produce rediculous amounts of crops. Punishments were becoming more and more brutal for disappointing the council of Britain. It wasn't long until Xander threw down his citizenship, sold the farm and moved on to bigger and better thing's.