Attending:Baron Octiovus
Commander Shadwell
Kal Shadowhand
Conan Darkmoon
Flina Trix
Olchafa Serpernt
After gathering all available troops in front of the barracks, they were led to the Minoc Moongate under the command of Baron Octiovus himself. Upon reaching the moongate we were informed that we would be marching to Trinsic to search for a Lady Caroline. Appearantly news had been circulating that she was to wed the Baron, a story no doubt cooked up by some crooked Loyalist.
While marching through Trinsic it was obvious that the common people were living in very poor conditions. Many did not even have shoes.

Upon reaching our destination we found no one of any rank or significant importance who could answer any of our questions. There were a few green uniformed ninnies milling about, but they were no help at all...

Having searched but found nothing, we began our march back, stopping over at a local tavern. Baron Octiovus and Commander Shadwell called upon Hoagie at this time, and bestowed upon him a field promotion to Captain. Needless to say Hoagie was stunned but delighted. With that done, everyone was dismissed to go about their duties.

*Signed*Perrin Stonespear, Guardsman Recruit