Guardsmen attending:
Falconheart Watchman
Eve Watchman
Perrin Guardsman Recruit
Conan Darkmoon Junior Guardsman
Kal shadowhand Regular Scout
Kurt Regular Dragoon
Erik Arkay Senior Guardsman
Raiden Morana Grenadier Corporal
Khaelith Citizen
Twas a crisp, snowy eve as we arrived at Tokuno. It had taken many days travel, but we'd got there, heck yes!
I'd managed to haggle some rough directions to our destination, from a drunk I'd found in a bin in Britan the night before. Oscar, his name was i believe, and he sure was grouchy. We were to head north, until we came to a thick forest. There, we'd find our target. So off we went, through hideous spiders, and even rabid, giant birds..
Quick, crack out the birdseed!No match for our Covian heroes though, and we soon had enough feathers for a thousand arrows! Hoorah!
We decided to set up a small camp when night fell, as travelling in the dark can be hazardous at the best of times. As soon as day broke, we carried on, soon to arrive at our destination, a run down old Tokunese house...
No Vince, Crap old flea pit...I ordered a search of the place, and the guardsmen went about it with great gusto! There was nothing out of the ordinary, except a mysterous note...
It Read:
Greetings Captain,
Everything is going to plan. The 'Item' is almost within our grasp, soon we shall rise again! Your orders are to bring the remainder of the men to the location where this 'item' lies hidden. Once we have secured it, which shall be no easy task, we shall begin our final plans.
The location must NOT fall into the hands of any thrid parties, therefore I shall place the map with our ladies at the Dojo. No doubt their considerable skills will keep it safe until you retrieve it.
Make haste Captain, for the sooner you arrive, the soon we shall be in possession of....The Jade Monkey.....
*Signed with three mysterious symbols*Now, It doesn't sound like these chaps are organising a picnic, or some such delightful activity, so we headed out to investigate!
After a long and grinding march, we arrived outside of the imposing building, ready to storm it's depths. Just before we had the chance, we heard a commotion in the woods behind us! We dashed in, ready to face whatever threat lurked, and were bemused to say the least, as we saw a tree attempting to chew on Regular Dragoon Kurt! We helped him out, and took down his rather forceful fan club, and proceeded into the Dojo. The Lethal Beauties were on top form, attacking us as we entered. Nothing a group of hardy Covians can't handle we chortled, and proceeded to search the area. Regular Scout Shadowhand found something, and we retreated to examine it...
A map eh?A piece of torn map, no doubt the same one metioned in that love note we found earlier! No doubt this will lead to answers, and no doubt more questions! Once it is checked by, well, someone who can actually read maps, we'll investigate further! Good work guardsmen, we managed to gather over 14,000 gold coins for the coffers.
Top swaggering I say. Also, a thank you to Khaelith for his assistance with portals and his offensive spellcasting. I'd like to recommend that he recieves
[50 shillings] for his help on this trip.
*Signed* Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant