Grenadiers attending:
Raiden Morana Grenadier Corporal (Leading)
Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant
Demerian Tel'Var Regular Grenadier (Attended the first part)
Gimbly Regular Grenadier
Eve Watchman (Grenadier apprentice)
The men in bronze. It had been a while since our last training, so Corporal Morana decided that it was about time we got back into it. Quite right too.
The first part of the training would consist of the behaviour of a Grenadier, and what is expected of him/her. He gave a rousing speech, pinpointing how a Grenadier should act and conduct himself at all times....
Hurgh! What is it good for, absoloutly everythingWhen the Corporal had finished, he pointed out that one of the grenadiers tasks had been overlooked! This wouldn't do, and we promptly set out to rectify this.
Our mission was to storm the dungeon of fire, destroying at least one of the evil mages dwellings. We arrived at the entrance and descended deep....
We had a little trouble with the fire breathing felines there, but nothing a Grenadier couldn't handle...
Grenadiers tend to be dog peopleMany serpents, hot to the touch, attacked as we made our way deeper through the fire and the flames. They were to be the least of our worries though, as we soon stumbled upon a den of elderly gentlemen. Not just any old elderly gentlemen, old men who studied the dark arts!
Oh dear lord, the stench!They came at us, staffs waving, and we had no choice but to knock them down.
We quickly moved on, the smell of moth balls getting too much, and then we saw our target. A sturdy looking stone building, no doubt used for all manner of evil ceremonies. I lugged the keg of explosives from my back, and stuck it right in the centre of the structure. We fed the fuse out, until we were safely out of harms way, and lit the bugger...
Victory!We beat a hasty retreat soon after, for the inhabitants of the caverns would surely hear the blast. Sure enough, our route out was blocked by all manner of firey demons, which we took down with Grenadier swagger.
A fine job Grenadiers, another victory for the bronze clad heroes!
*Signed* Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant