First Training, Fitness training with free for all.
Took place: Monday 7th May, 19:00, Barracks Roof.
Leader: Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon
Attended: Hoagie Grayner, Dragoon Sergeant
Snudrud, Watchman
Falconheart, Watchman
Faden Wildheart, Watchman
This being the first in the series of trainings I started with physical fitness. I started of explaining why fitness was essential, this led to a number of Guardsman being offended but it can not be helped.
I explained that with out constent training one would end up a fat old man with an extremely short life, i also told them the importance of fitness to battle and the everyday life of a Guardsman.
I then went on to a warm up, starting with three laps of the arena with five pres ups in each corner.
*Warming up the hard way*
After the introduction i described the three area's of fitness, Strength, Agility and Endurance.
I started the training with strength. I described how useful strength is to a Guardsman such as that without out it you would not be able to wear your uniform or raise your weapon let alone use it.
In order to exercise their strength i laid out a log in front of each pair and gave them a raise, first team to push the log to the other end of the arena and back, twice, wins. The winners were inevitably Hoagie and Faden, seeing as the other team had a Goblin.
*Strength is evidently missing from some members of the army.*
I then moved on to Agility, this being the ability to move in and out of obstacles quickly.
To show the need for speed i used the scenario of an archer in a battle, taking around thirty seconds to reload a cross bow, this being how long you have to cross the field whilst dodging combatants. Falconheart explained that he could reload in a second and therefore no one could survive such and encounter.
I set up and obstacle course for this section. The Guardsman had to run in and out of a number of logs, and then jump over them, dodging puddles of water. The Guardsman had to complete this in under thirty seconds.
*They got wet... Suckers*
Lastly i talked about Endurance, the ability to keep up an exhausting exercise for a long period of time.
I told them about the Kaldorian campaign and how many of the soldiers had died in the camps from exhaustion.
To test their endurance we went on a long distance run. We went from the barracks to the Vesperian cross roads and back. This was very tiring, and brought about some bad feelings.
*Cross country run*
We finished off with a free for all, Snudrud cleverly left now and the winner was Hoagie.
*Hoagie proves to be the best fighter.*
Thomas Sendrich,. Regular Dragoon