« on: August 29, 2007, 08:28:35 am » |
For thoze who don't know me, I am Arnolfo Zothobby, the Auctioneer. Governor mizter Riyadh allowed me to hozt an auction in Cove, zo think of and prepare things you have for zale. Thiz will be a regular auction, with gold given to the zeller of the item.
If you have itemz for sale, put them in a box, add a book with zmall dezcription of each item and hand it to mizter Qom, or me, if you will meet me (which iz pretty unlikely).
Auction rulez, entrance fee and other thingz will be pozted zoon.
Ztay tuned!
*signed with uncommonly italic writing* Arnolfo Zothobby, Auctioneer
[OOC] ps: To not make the auction too long, I will accept 7 things for sale. ps2: I still have the items left after the charity auction, if you need them - contact me. [/OOC]