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Author Topic: Open Market (Summary)  (Read 1956 times)
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend

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« on: November 20, 2007, 12:15:56 pm »

Date:  19Th of November
Location: Cove Town
Activity:  Open market conducted by foreigners.

Persons of note:

Duke Irvyn of Trinsic
Jessica (The Duke's Niece)
General Deisos of Skara Brae

The following is my account of events including sketches of individuals.

I happened into Cove town on a routine self patrol when I discovered a number of foreigners setting up shop. All shop keepers where from Skara Brae, It is to be noted if not known that Skara Braen can be a diffcult language to understand or follow. Luckily I do understand it some and know some of what transpired.

I checked their wares and found none to be questionable, save their selection of ale!
This being well and good, I am not one to discourage trade thus I allowed these citezens to continue their commerce. I was led into conversation with a man named Gauvain, one of the shop keepers. He inticed me to make purchases and bantered with me for a short while until a man of some presence did appear.

I would describe him as handsome, though aged. His hair was grey yet neatly cropped, The cut of his thread appeared fine, swathed in grey he was save for the stunning purple of sash and cloak. Introductions were exchanged, my impressions are that the Duke of Trinsic is polite, and not arrogant. He almost seemed to be nothing more than another citezen treating himself with no importance. In summary I can not understand why this man, who seems not evil in the least would suffer Drow to rally by his city. Some threat, or enchantment must bind him, the powers of which I can not guess.

A Sketch of The Duke of Trinsic:

The next person of note was Jessica, the 4 year old niece of the Duke.
She was a sweet lass, unfortunately I must think politically in this.
She is an Arcanist! It pains me to see a child so young sucked into such devious ways, or to have one such as myself contemplating the possibilities of black mail should this talent be unknown to the people of trinsic and some how embarrassing to the lord Duke. I did witness with my own eye the lass throw a fire ball at a rat. This being no illusion as I checked this rat and found it to be quite crispy. The Duke scolded her for this public display thus I did not involve myself. It hurts my heart to have to report this for whatever purposes it may be used but I know that the information herein shall be used to better Cove and serve The Baron! Avatar have mercy upon tha' lass' soul.

A Sketch of the lass follows:

The next person of any note was General Deisos of Skara Brae.
I garnered very little of him, seeing as I am a recruit and he a General, aimless banter between us would not befit our stations. He sat rather quietly and simple introductions were held. Hi presence remains a mystery to me but thanks to my understanding of Skara Braen I was able to understand conversation between himself and a particularly violent member of his army. The soldier seemed to like flashing his weapon and killing small critters.  The General had to order him to remain civil, continually reminding the soldier that he was being ordered by a general. The blatantly showed disrespect and agitation, until ordered to leave. I am almost certain it was this that made the market pack up as abruptly as they did some time later.

The following is a sketch of the General:

The sales continued until some ogre and Headless appeared from no place. Sergeant Grayner laid them to waste with the assistance of the Skara Braens. Shortly their after Our own Miss Axiana and Mister Jarl arrived to set up shop. at this juncture the Skara Braens packed up and turned tail quickly. Perhaps they do not like competition, or the arrival of numerous guards may have scared them away as Recruit April, Sargeant Grayner and myself were about and fully armed.

I have made sketches for future reference should any of these persons be sought for questioning by the army.

This concludes my report. It is my hopes that that this shall prove useful. I was once told the smallest insignificant bit of information might be huge to a trained professional, thus I have recorded my findings. I am no scout thus it may be delivered in the worst manner imaginable. I apologize and hope this turns into useful news.


Marcus Kobra, Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 12:24:42 pm by Marcus Kobra » Logged

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
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