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196  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Aid to Vesper [Day 2] on: September 03, 2010, 04:00:08 pm
Leading Guardsman:
Hoagie Grayner, Captain

Attending Guardsmen:
Torrak Keres, Commander
Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
Marcus Cobra, Regular Guardsman
Celuvian Haap, Junior Arcanist
Cor'vani, Junior Guardsman
Brenna Night, Guardsman Recruit
Edward, Guardsman Recruit

The day after Cove's initial visit, and the brave men rallied once more to visit the unwelcoming lands of Vesper to offer aid and support to the people where needed. Knowing their reception would likely not be a kind one, as the confused fragments of the militia, and lunatic fringe anarchist groups roamed the streets, the men were carried weapons, ready to restore peace, but travelled under strict instruction to suppress, not kill, any attackers. Upon arrival, we visited the Swaggers, previously barricaded and overflowing with paranoid horsemen, now seemingly open for business. There were still paranoid horsemen. We offered aid, but were met only with the stern face of the remaining militiamen, confused as to what had actually happened in the last few days. "We have everything under control" was their only answer.

Leaving on our way, escorted by a representative from what stands as the Vesperian leadership, we were taken on a guided tour by Mister Lucas Drachen. More receptive to our desire to enforce law and order, he assisted in the safe demolition of a carefully located boatbomb, and designated an area of Vesper that we could temporarily claim, accidentally set fire to fortify, and dispense aid from.

A surprising thing we did see, however. Trinsician guardsmen, under the guise of a helping hand, had fortified the island responsible for providing food to the Vesperian citizens and military. The barricades, stretching across the road, were there for their own protection, they claimed. Not much protection needed, I think, from the poor and hungry.

197  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: September 01, 2010, 09:03:09 pm
Hoagie [BoC]: We'll be around to liberate north Cove before the evening is through!
Devante: someday the Vesperian empire will rise again and reclaim south Vesper !
Hoagie [BoC]: Tongue
Devante: all will bow before me !!
Hoagie [BoC]: Emperor Davantine
Devante: I still want to rename Minoc as Stirlingrad
198  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: "Hard drive failure is emminent. Back up your data now." on: September 01, 2010, 01:03:41 pm
Oh dear. Buying a new computer to fix a failing hard drive is a bit overkill, but new computers ftw. Grin
199  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Unexplained Absence on: August 29, 2010, 09:22:13 pm
Hey all.

On the off chance that anyone noticed me missing over the past few days, I had popped up to my house at uni, where, as it turns out, the phone line has been cut off 'cause it was in the last tenants name. Since our own line rental hasn't been set up yet, we were without internet for a while.

200  In Character Boards / In Character Board / In the middle of the night... on: August 22, 2010, 05:25:01 pm
201  In Character Boards / Old Events / 22/08/10 - 8:20pm - Be at the barracks on: August 22, 2010, 05:06:59 am
Following parade, there will be a trip to parts unknown.
202  In Character Boards / Old Events / 8pm - Promotions Parade on: August 22, 2010, 05:04:48 am
203  Element boards / Citizen Administration Board / Leso's Notebook on: August 22, 2010, 01:52:01 am
Six windows in the upstairs of the Goblin. Parrot tax?
204  Element boards / Citizen Administration Board / Leso Varen - Commoner [60] on: August 22, 2010, 01:37:53 am
Name: Leso Varen
Occupation: Ne'er-do-well
Current Standing: Commoner
Current Shilling Count: 60/500
Licenses held:

Shillings awarded for:
50: Running for Steward.
10: Putting up Posters.

Citizen task board tasks:

Cultural Events attended:

Adding to the Covian culture:

Other / miscellaneous tasks:

Events led:

TRIAL: Not passed
205  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Steward Election on: August 22, 2010, 01:23:50 am
Shillings awarded:
Leso Varen: 50 (40 for running, 10 for winning)
Mizuho Kazami: 40
Spud Goodsoup: 40
206  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: A rant on: August 22, 2010, 12:51:47 am
Right, chaps and chapesses. I'm locking this thread, because I feel that largely, all points have been made, and there's not much to add. When discussing issues like this, it's difficult to keep it objective, and I don't want to see things degenerate into name-calling and blame placing, so apologies to Railen for the thread lock, but I feel this should end on a high note.

I think we can all take something from this, though. From the responses in the thread, it seems that everyone cares about maintaining the high standard of the guild, and if it can be said that the standard has slipped, then everyone can play a part in raising it to new heights.

Feel free to get in touch on ICQ with any issues, ideas, complaints, asking the time of day, or just wanting a chit chat.

207  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: A rant on: August 21, 2010, 04:38:55 pm
Hey guys.

My name's Hoagie, and I'm an addict I have been nattering too much in guildchat. However, I think one of my biggest failure has been the failure to enforce rules. Partly, it's because up until getting elected as Steward with Leso, for the limited amount of time until someone assassinates him, I've never been deeply involved with the civilian element of the guild.

Regarding the rules laid out for the citizen element, I don't think that they're perfect. In fact, I think they're probably in need of a some reform (a matter which I'm happy to discuss with anyone on ICQ). However, as Railen rightly points out, it's not fair for one person to follow the rules and restrict their character, while others ignore them, and go straight for the perks. Most of all, it's not fair for me to be lax in rule enforcement because I've had a long day and don't want the drama, or whatever miserable excuse I come up with at the time.

Noone wants to roleplay a hobo for a thousand years before they can pay for the right to wear anything more that a potato sack with holes cut out for the legs, but I don't think our rules are unreasonable given the setting of the guild. It's the "Baronship of Cove", not the "Guild of Overdressed Fops, Britain Branch". Tongue

I'll do my part if you all do yours.
208  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / [NOTE] UNLESS FOUND OUT IN CHARACTER, THIS IS ALL OOC KNOWLEDGE on: August 18, 2010, 10:57:21 pm
Ta. Smiley
209  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Away on: August 17, 2010, 08:16:10 pm

The good thing about paths is that you can always find a crossroads. I hope all goes well for you, and look forward to your return. Smiley

All the best.
210  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Picture Thread - "More Pics, Less Babble, Replies With Pics Only"™ on: August 17, 2010, 04:07:43 pm
Ahhhhh, the doggies. :3
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