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256  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ONE GLORIOUS YEAR.. on: August 29, 2005, 04:42:39 am
Wow BoC is only 1 year old?  That's awesome congratulations people in Atlantic could take a lesson from you!  I know RP guilthat were like 3 or more years old and they never had as many members as BoC!
257  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Militia Roll Call! on: August 29, 2005, 04:10:19 am
Kurt, Junior Guardsman, (joining) Grenadiers.
258  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Kurt on: August 25, 2005, 02:25:00 am
Part 3: - Completed!

*Kurt walked into the barracks dragging with him a huge bag of crowns.  "Gah, Bloodi 'eavy sack o' gold," he said.  He questioned himself, "Don't tha' barracks 'ave enough bleedin crowns?"  He then exclamed, "I need my share o' cash!".  Kurt chucked the heavy bag of gold against the wall as hard as he could.  The gold splashed out of the bag in too the piles and piles of Gold.  He then sat down at a table and began writing his report.*

Cyclopean Camp Under the Illshenar Moon

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Seamus
Watchman, Robert Fripp
Regular Scout, Kal Shadowhand
Grenadier Sergeant, Ahmed Al Maktoum
Grenadier Sergeant, Ryan Greystone
*Written nicer and neater than the others*
My Liege, Octiovus

Painting of Loot:

Written Description:

This was a grand day I have finnaly completed the trials Sir!  I was particularly honored to have the Baron witness my trial firsthand.  When we were there we encountered some normal titans and cyclops with an occasional Ettin.  We also encountered some golden ones as well.  The creatures were all taken down without anyone getting knocked, and we collected the gold off each creature.  Everyone except one was listening good although my team ran off occasionally, I would just call them back.  Here is some paintings of us slaughtering the beasts without trouble.  Ye can see the looks in their eyes as they're being ripped to shreds.  I hope ye like the paintings of all the beast's going through the painful agony of their deaths.

Visual Description:


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
259  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Seeking A New Apprentice on: August 23, 2005, 01:46:04 am
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

260  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Kurt on: August 19, 2005, 03:53:13 am
Part two: - Completed!

*After whiping the spew off himself from the commander, Kurt sat down and began writing about the Trial*

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Claudius Brutus
Guardsman Recruit, Beblith Morath
Watchman, Garand
Junior Guardsman, Kurt
Regular Scout, Calico Kate
Regular Scout, Kal Shadowhand
Commander, Gregor Eason

It started at the barracks I briefed the fellow Guardsmen attending, and ordered a forced march to the gate.  We all went there as fast as we could then I ordered them to fall in line.  I told everyone to go through to the Trinsic gate, when we got there I knew Commander Eason knew the way to the line so I told him to take point.  When we had got there I had ordered everyone to start building the barracks, and a scout to scout the forest.  I wanted the area to be built with extreme efficency so I joined in on the construction.  After we had finished I noticed Commander Eason was acting strange.  I went over to him and realized he was drunk, I looked to the recruits and told them to stand guard at the door outside.  They did so and I stood guard inside in case someone would try to take advantage of Commander Easons condition.  Commander Eason had taken his armor off because he was extremely hot which made him even more vulnerable.

After fending off some denizens of the forest I told everyone that we had been there long enough, and we needed to pack it up and line up.  So they did and I looked over the line.  Commander Eason was still intoxicated and throwing up all over the ground.  So I threw him over my shoulder, and ran him out of there with two guardsmen thankfully keeping the monsters off of us. 

When we had gotten to the barracks I had set the Commander down outside and then dismissed the men.  Then the commander had walked up the stairs and went to sleep, but he had left us a suprize that I ordered the recruit to clean up.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
261  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Kurt on: August 15, 2005, 12:25:53 am
Part 1: - COMPLETED!

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt


*Kurt walked into the barracks and was angry at his boots, so he threw his boots out the window as hard as he could.  Then set the three clubs onto the table, and began writeing*

I made it out of the trial alive, nay thanks to my bloody muddy boots!  Alright this was pretty difficult due to the fact my boots were muddier than mud, but I pulled it off.  I took the first Ogre Lord down with ease and took the club without injury.  Then I stepped into a puddle of mud then tripped, and hit my head on the stone which gave the Ogre Lord a chance to knock me out.  After I got up my boots were still muddy so he knocked me far back again.  Joey Lanai cameand helped me up then killed the Ogre Lord.  I shook my fist this was my trial nay his!!  I asked him not to kill my target so he left after that Ogre Lord.  Then I killed the other two with muddy boots without getting injured.  The paintings were a little to dark, so I painted the clubs but the third painting was of a corpse and it didn't come out correctly.  When I meet with you I'll give you the clubs as proof incase ye don't believe the third one.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt

262  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadiers Recruiting!! on: August 14, 2005, 08:45:37 pm
*signs name on paper*

Aye I wish ta' be a grenadier.
263  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Kurt on: August 12, 2005, 07:37:47 pm
Northern Swamps and Vesperian Border

Northern Swamps

Lead By:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, James Moris
Guardsman Recruit, Eric Arkay
Guardsman Recruit, Justyce Black
Guardsman Recruit, Clovis ExSanguis
Junior Guardsman, Darath Mithar
Regular Scout, Kal Shadowhand

Ugh... The smell was horrible when we were in the swamps.  That was the least of our worries though.  I lined up the men on the outer area of the swamps looking in.  I told everyone "I want to see good strict healing, and if I say FORM! ye bleedin well better do it!"  I asked if they understood and they said "Aye."  I told them "I want to here an Aye Sir!"  They all said it immediatly after all except James Moris.  I got up in his face, and spoke to him calmly he then said "Aye sir!"  We went in and took out the huge beasts I told them to form, but one person ran, don't have to say who do I?  James got knocked from running like an Idiot then another got knocked because most were busy trying to heal james.  I healed the lad that was following my orders for as long as I could but he fell.  After we defeated the creatures we retreated out of the swamp.

Vesperian Border

Lead By:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, James Moris
Guardsman Recruit, Eric Arkay
Guardsman Recruit, Justyce Black
Regular Scout, Kal Shadowhand

I saved the easiest for last so the men could relax from the mayham we've endured.  I split the patrol into two groups.  The two sneaky ones went together and I have to say James Moris has improved, he was finnaly listening to my orders and working with us.  So my group searched the top end and the other two scouted below.  We found only a Covian Troll and slayed it then we regrouped back at the entrance between borders.  After we met up there a Vesperian I presume showed and harrassed us.  He was riding a Dragon and using a strange weapon.  We left because we thought he was going to have people attack us then we went back to Cove.


Watchman, Kurt
264  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Kurt on: August 12, 2005, 07:11:45 pm
Covian Shire and Altmere Patrol

Covian Shire

Lead By:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, James Moris
Guardsman Recruit, Erik Arkay
Guardsman Recruit, Clovis ExSanguis
Guardsman Recruit, Justyce Black
Junior Guardsman, Darath Mithar

A perfect patrol with the exception of Recruit, James Moris wanting to everything his way at first.  During the patrol we headed into the graveyard I told to form, but the recruit ran off leaving us.  I told everyone to leave him he's not following orders, and will have to learn the hard way how teamwork works.  After he got knocked we went inside and took out the area no problem.  I ordered us to regroup outside and it was done fast.  Darath Mithar told Recruit, James Moris to call me sir when he spoke to me, Moris said maybe sir to him.  We left the Shire and to the road to Altmere. 


Lead By:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, James Moris
Guardsman Recruit, Erik Arkay
Guardsman Recruit, Clovis ExSanguis
Guardsman Recruit, Justyce Black
Junior Guardsman, Darath Mithar

We headed down the road into Altmere, we were ambushed quite a few times by brigands that were out for our heads!  The recruit still had a major problem with staying in the group, so I said next time ye run I'll knock ye myself.  We moved as a group clearing more and more brigands.  We piled the corpses on each other then left towards the swamps further up.  Nay one was knocked in Altmere.


Watchman, Kurt

265  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Kurt on: August 12, 2005, 03:46:51 pm
*Patrol of Cove and Orc Fort*

Lead By:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Owen
Guardsman Recruit, Jevonia
Guardsman Recruit, James Moris
Junior Guardsman, Drachir


I awaited my group to come they were moving slower than a Turtle with no legs.  After awhile Jevonia and James Moris finally showed up, I told them to get into the line.  I split us into three groups of two one group would patrol the northern outskirts of cove, the second in the southern part, and the third inside the City.  I told everyone to meet up at the gates and report what they found.  We only found a Troll and nothing else. 

Orc Fort

Afterwards we headed down to the orc fort to keep the orcs in their place, and too make them remember who they're dealing with.  So we ran into the fort with ease killing along the way as a group.  When the brute showed up we ran into some trouble.  I ordered people to retreat outside, but they might've not heard me so they didn't hear a Form order either.  Next time I have to speak louder so they can hear me alot clearer.  We took down the brute and the rest of the orcs in this picture, but two guardsman got knocked and I realize that's too many knocked.  Other than that the patrol was a success as shown in this picture.


Watchman, Kurt

266  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Gruesome Find on: August 12, 2005, 01:41:31 am
I believe tha's the hair left on their skull from when they died.
267  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Gruesome Find on: August 09, 2005, 12:57:15 am
Massacred bodies in Cove

Warning the following pictures are very gruesome and are not for the faint of heart. 

I was walking to the gates of Cove when I encountered, the massacred bodies of a little girl, an old man, a peasent, and a body of a woman.  Here is the pictures of the bodies.

I pray their souls find peace in death.


Watchman, Kurt

268  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: August 07, 2005, 10:33:43 pm
That wasn't the same one I think Alexander

Patrol to Cove Cemetary and Despise

Lead by:
Watchman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Alexander
Watchman, Garand
Watchman, Vince Valentine

We went to the cemetary and knocked the undead back to their graves.  It was easy and nay one was knocked.  Afterwards we headed to despise, but Garand did not want to go so disgusted I shood his arse out of my site. When we got to Despise we took down an Ogre Lord. Alexander got knocked but came to soon after.  We headed towards the exit and slayed many huge creatures on the way.  Then we headed back to the barracks and deposited about 3K of gold crowns to the Coffers. 


Watchman, Kurt

269  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: An Unwelcome Visitor on: August 07, 2005, 03:02:55 am
*After his ordeal with the undead mage, Kurt sat down still shaking from his encounter.  He rolled out a piece of paper and started writing about what had stalked him for the night*

"Kneel before the Guardian fleshbag!", said the creature.  I looked at him and asked, "What's the guardian?".  He grinned and told me that he gives infinate power to you if you worship him.  I told him, "You don't look very powerful just ugly".  He told me to kneel before the guardian or else.  I raised an eyebrow and said, "Was that a threat? Leave these lands at once!" I then readied myself for a fight.  He said, "Have it your way fleshbag" with a disgusting voice. 

The fight commenced but the creature had made me inept of moving with a spell of his.  He hit me with a series of fire and poison magics.  I ran into the tavern and fixed myself up hoping the creature wouldn't follow.  I looked out the door breathing heavily I saw nothing, I looked left and the creature was grinning in my face.  I looked to the disgusting rotting face and fell to the floor then scurried towards the bar.  He paralyzed me again and then tried to seal me within his energy fields. Luckely I regained the ability to move then ran down stairs to the basement.

 I could hear it tapping waiting for the field to dissapate, I could hear the footsteps upstairs comming closer.  I kissed my Ankh and looked to the staircase the creature walked down like it was an every day slaughter.  I gripped my fork and assaulted the creature but yet again he hurt me to much to stay and fight.  I ran out of the building and to the church. 

I had hoped the creature wouldn't come to the church that the church would keep the creature out.  I looked out the window and the figure of a decaying body was standing there staring at me, like he knew where I was the whole time.  I saw him walk fast towards the door, I ran up to the top of the church waiting to ambush him.  I heard the doors slam open and the creatures footsteps grow louder.  His head visible on the stair case I attacked him but was still more powerful.  I thought apparently he was better at close corners, so I decided I should take this to the forest.  I ran into the forest hoping to slaughter the beast.

I waited there to ambush it but it never came I ran back to the front of the barracks to find it encountered a person I did not trust.  It said to the man the same thing it said to me, but the man said, "Ye can take yer guardian and shove it up yers." He fought it and I joined in outmatched it retreated to the forest.  We followed and hoped to kill it but that's not what we got.

The creature surprized us and beat the man down before I could do anything to help him.  The creature came back and chased me off away from the unconciouss man, so I left towards the barracks.  I ran down to the basement hoping it would follow me so I could seal it in the jail room.  I ran back up and almost collided into Corporal Veldrin that's when she helped me end the creatures fun.  It was strange when I was being chased there was no one around to help me except the two people in my report.

Watchman, Kurt

*Kurt posts the report underneath Veldrins.  He looked up to Veldrins report then smiled and said, "Thank ye Veldrin I owe ye."  Kurt then left to relax after his long night.*
270  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrolling Cove on: August 04, 2005, 07:03:01 pm
Slaughtering the Orcs

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Cor' Ari Ta

Guardsman Recruit, Jevonia
Guardsman Recruit, Robert Fripp
Guardsman Recruit, Owen
Watchman, Drachir
Watchman, Kurt
Junior Guardsman, Judas Deibeau
Commander, Gregor Eason

It started out as a patrol, but we were told after the patrol it would be a raid on the orc fort.  Commander Gregor Eason ordered Watchman Cor' Ari Ta to lead the raid.  When we got to the Covian gates we scanned the place thoroughly I checked the lighthouse for anything suspicious, but there was Nay a thing strange.  I reported back to the line and we were ordered to move out towards the orc fort.  When we got there we were greeted by the usual onslaught of dimwitted orcs.  We slaughtered them at the entrance and moved on towards the center.  When we got here we were suprized by the sneakiness of these orcs.  Arrows rained towards us injuring none I slashed one but he vanished.  When he appeared again I bled him so when he vanished he died.  Everyone worked hard slaughtering the orc mages, bombers, and so on.  When we were getting closer to the docks we could feel the floor shaking beneath us.  We looked to our right and saw the biggest Orc we had ever seen.  We were ordered to attack so we ran at it at full force stabbing it in the ankles, shins, wherever it would hurt.  Afterwards the beasts legs gave out and it fell making me bounce upon impact to the ground.  Afterwards we headed towards the docks but found not an Orc there so we fought our way back entrance.  Where we encountered another giant Orc we slayed it in almost the same manner than left to the barracks.  Where we donated money to the coffers.

Signed, Watchman Kurt

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