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31  OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / Re: [Script] Ezmerelda on: August 04, 2007, 03:23:57 pm
Thanks a lot for this Amelia! It's brilliant! Smiley
32  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Complete] Sherry the Opera performance - Sunday August 5th, 9pm GMT on: August 04, 2007, 03:22:37 pm
33  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *A Poster is pinned in the center of the board and all over Cove* on: August 03, 2007, 09:16:37 pm
34  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: UOKR Picture and general discussion on: August 02, 2007, 09:42:47 pm
Aye, the hides do look a little turd like but on the plus side Raiden looks rather swish!  Roll Eyes Grin

Which one's Raiden? *Squints*

Ironically, it's easier to tell who's who in 2D...
35  In Character Boards / Old Events / [TODAY] Rehearsals for Sherry - Friday, August 3rd 9pm GMT on: August 02, 2007, 03:55:45 pm
When: Friday, August 3rd 9pm GMT
Where: Covian Theatre of Arts
Who: Flina Trix, Hoagie, Raiden Morana

This will be a rehearsal for the upcoming opera, Sherry. Only those actors who will be performing should attend with others discouraged from coming unless they wish a job in the theatre. Also there is still one major role open to anyone, so if you fancy it, come by the theatre or send me a pigeon.
36  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Baron's Scepter! on: July 30, 2007, 08:44:49 pm
Part 3 - Rescue of Eve

Guardsmen in attendance:
- Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet
- Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
- Sean Greyson, Watchman
- Raiden Morana, Grenadier Sergeant
- Eve, Grenadier Officer Cadet
- John Dell, Regular Guardsman
- Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout
- Jakob D'Stoke, Junior Guardsman
- Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit
- Vreya, Guardsman Recruit
- Lara Stevens, Guardsman Recruit

I had planned the rescue of Eve from the clutches of Lantax for Saturday evening, however as the day arrived, I'd still not found the vital piece of black rock that was required to buy her freedom. Not only that, but I had little useful information on where exactly to get such a thing. I stood outside the barracks deep in thought, concerned that I might fail my task and be unable to find this black rock, thus killing Eve.

It was then the now Citizen Jacob walked past and we exchanged pleasantries and he was about to carry on with his business, when I thought I'd ask him if he'd ever heard of black rock. Not expecting much, he surprised me by knowing quite a bit about the substance and told me it was obviously something that was quite rare and usually obtained from mining.

When I questioned him about whether he knew any miners who might have found such an elusive material, he revealed that he himself had a piece of the stuff stashed away. He'd kept it from a mining trip ages back, but never knew it's worth or use. Excited, I asked him if, for a price, he'd be willing to part with it in order to save Eve's life. Being a true Covian citizen, he fetched the black rock (contained in a box as it is dangerous when exposed), and gave it to me freely.

I thanked him and immediately began preparations for the evening's rescue.

When the hour of meeting came, every available guardsman lined up, and we ended up with a good force of 11. So then we marched to the moongate to take us to Serpent's Hold which was near the cave where Eve was taken last week. With Recruit Vreya's help, we made it to the stinking city and immediately marched on to the dungeon.

Before entering, I briefed the guardsmen on the task ahead and snuck a peek inside to make sure the way forward was clear. I then ordered everyone to follow me closely, and as we marched through the dank cave with arms ready, I tried to remember the way from the week before. We eventually made it to a familiar looking stone wall surrounding a metal door. We streamed through the door and I brought the guardsmen straight to the little room where Eve was taken.

Sure enough, as soon as we entered, the sinister mists began to swirl and form and suddenly Eve was standing before us! She was still obviously possessed by Lantax so I immediately began speaking to the evil mage. I gave him the box with the black rock inside, and it seemed to satisfy him because he began telling the story of how Janas was betrayed and killed by four controllers. And it is those controllers who now hold the artifacts we seek, especially the Baron's sceptre.

After his piece was spoken, Lantax kept his word and released Eve who, although dazed, seemed in good health and didn't remember anything of what happened to her. Hearing some commotion elsewhere in the stone structure, I immediately ordered everyone out to retreat back to Cove. Using Vreya's gate once we were outside, we made it home with no injuries and Eve in tow.

Now it seems the task it to locate these four controllers...

Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet
37  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Complete] Theatre auditions and script submission - Tuesday July 31, 9pm GMT on: July 30, 2007, 12:26:52 pm
When: Tuesday July 31, 9pm GMT
Where: Covian Theatre of Arts (Right next to Altmere)
Who: Any aspiring actors, accomplished actors, performers, or writers

I will open the theatre on Tuesday for anyone who wishes to come in and try out for the next performance on Sunday that is to be decided. Everyone is welcome, especially those who have scripts or ideas to submit for the next, or future performances.

[OOC: Basically if you want to be in the next performance or have an idea for a future performance, or want to write a script, come along and show your interest so I know what we can do for this Sunday. Keep in mind you can perform other genres of Arts besides plays as well. And also remember those who attend and participate in theatre events (especially the Sunda performances) get credit toward promotion.]
38  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Complete] Horse Husbandry Class - Wednesday August 1st, 8pm GMT on: July 30, 2007, 12:11:48 pm
When: Wednesday August 1st, 8pm GMT
Where: In front of the barracks
Who: Dragoons and aspiring dragoons mainly, but anyone is welcome as you never know when you'll need to care for a horse!

I'll be holding a Horse husbandry (No, not how to marry a horse) class in front of the barracks on the above date. It is especially geared toward Dragoons who have or will eventually have steeds to care for; but anyone can attend the class and are encouraged to do so.

I will be teaching everyone how to care for a horse and how to keep it in tip top shape. Horses will be provided.
39  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The State of the Game on: July 29, 2007, 11:08:15 am
Then why play if its a waste? I don't get why people constantly moan about the state of the game then still play it.

Agreed! Go away if you don't like it.

UO is still great, and I don't think guilds like BoC could survive in the old days. Imagine how annoying it'd be trying to do an RP event or patrol only to get mowed down and corpse camped by a team of reds. Then you get to spend all night replacing your uniform, yay!

We can do so much more now than we could 9 years ago. It's like wishing you were 15 years old again.
40  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Destardly Hunt with the Yewish on: July 27, 2007, 12:44:19 pm
Led by: Kelly Sanderson, Scout Corporal

Attended by:
- Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet
- Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout
- Desmond Krieger, Junior Marine
- Ihiniar Tel'var, Guardsman Recruit
- Henrich Kelmer, Guardsman Recruit
- Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit
- A bunch of Yewians

Corporal Kelly lined us up at the barracks and announced we'd be going on a hunt! Grand we thought, until she revealed that some members of the Guardsmen Militia, Yewians, would be joining us. Our faces fell a bit as most of us still aren't quite used to being "friends" with them. But we were professional and optimistic. After a long time of waiting, the Yewians finally arrived and we discussed our destination. It was then decided that we'd go hunt some dragons in Destard.

Kelly put one of the Yewians, a woman, in charge of leading up there on foot despite Recruit Henrich's pleas to use his moongates. After some time wandering through the woods with no real direction to follow, we all wished we had used a gate. But finally, we managed to find our way to the entrance of the dungeon.

We lined up alongside the Yewians and were given our brief. Then we entered together. For a while, it was easy going as we trudged through the damp dungeon slaying Drakes and small dragons. We lined up again and Kelly seperated the archers from the rest of us, then we set off again down a steep slope. As soon as we did, we were attacked constantly by evil arcanists, their demon minions, and even really large, shadowy dragons.

It didn't take long for us to become overwhelmed and many of us were knocked and wounded, but soon rescued by those who hadn't been wounded. It was then decided that we'd strayed too deep, and made a tactical retreat. Lining up again outside, a gate (much to our relief) was opened and we headed home.

Lining up at the barracks, the Yewians were given half of the gold taken, even though they were only 3 members to our 6. Still, we had a sizable pile so the pay would be good. Except Kelly forgot about paying us and instead had every coin sent to the Baron's coffers. Those of us who attended were left empty-handed after a very long, hard fought hunt; save for the multiple wounds we incurred....

Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet
41  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Show Us Yer (UO) Desktops! on: July 27, 2007, 09:22:53 am
Beards are the signature of a corrupted soul.

Just ask Sainsburys, they won't employ you. Wink

Haha is that true? Isn't something like that illegal?
42  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: THE BIG SUMMER HOLIDAY AWAY THREAD on: July 27, 2007, 09:22:05 am
Oh God. Cancel the party, lads, he's not dead.

I'd better take some holiday to have time to read the masses of threads Sinist is about to start... Grin
43  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Tom Rackham captured...for an hour or so... on: July 26, 2007, 11:30:04 pm
Tom Rackham has been captured! And subsequently escaped again...

A few days ago, while sitting out in front of the barracks enjoying a nice day, Gerek from The Swaggers wandered by seemingly only to annoy Recruit Patience and I. We politely chatted with him for a while until another man walked up and began to chat with us.

After some mundane conversation and jokes back and forth, the man revealed himself as the one and only Tom Rackham! He claimed he was no longer a wanted man because he had let himself into our "cellar", then walked out again. Ignoring this odd string of reasoning, I ordered Patience to restrain him while I blocked his escape with my horse.

We led him into a jail cell and locked him in. Immediately though, he politely asked for some water and bread to which I promised to get him some in due time. I had him strip down to his undergarments and searched through them first, to make sure there were no hidden weapons or lockpicks.

Finding nothing, I then searched my bags and gave him a piece of bread and a stale jug of cider I had no intention of ever consuming. He enjoyed the liquor but I quipped that it'd be easier to look after him if he were too drunk to escape. Seeing him satisfied and secured in the cell, I ordered the recruit to look after him and sat down at the table to focus on writing the script I had been working on.

When next I looked up however, Patience and Rackham were gone! I have no idea what happened to them and haven't heard a word from either one since! Surely that rascal had escaped again and done something to the recruit! We really should make those cells more secure against types like him...

Anyway, he was captured for an hour or so, is that enough to claim the reward money?

Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet
44  In Character Boards / In Character Board / First auditions for the theatre on: July 26, 2007, 11:14:48 pm
Auditions for Ezmerelda

Held by: Zoie Hayden

Attended by:
- Hoagie
- Flina Trix
- Peggy Frangles
- Dalamar

Last week, I held auditions to see who among the residents and guardsmen of Cove had talent. Not only was I looking for actors for the play, Ezmerelda, but I also had my eye out for any other talents for future performances.

Flina and Hoagie performed first doing a rendition of a day in the life of our very own Baron and Sergeant Hrothgar. It was well done and very amusing.

Then Hoagie did a dramatic monologue of the list of items we were to collect for Jakob's scavenger hunt a few weeks ago. It was brilliant, and proved that it's not the words on the page that stirs an audience, it's the actor himself!

After that, Dalamar did a stirring, emotional poem that showed even he has a soft side.

Then Peggy Frangles dazzled us with a very active, abstract piece of acting acrobatics. She leaped and lunged in search of her beloved kitchen knife and wowed us all with her fitness.

There is a lot of talent to be found in Cove, and I've noted everyone who came as potential performers in the weeks to come. Good show everyone!

Zoie Hayden, Officer Cadet
45  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Complete]Performance of Ezmerelda - Sunday, July 29th 9PM GMT on: July 26, 2007, 10:59:19 pm

Don't miss the first play performed in Cove! I've put in a lot of work to get different kinds of performances going, on hopefully a regular basis, and nothing will encourage that more than a packed house! Those who will be performing are putting their necks on the line on stage so come out and support them.

The theatre is located right next to Altmere.
Be there or be an eggplant (Aubergine)!
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