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661  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Harrhhh! on: June 05, 2010, 07:18:00 pm
We should prolly throw an unbridled parade for celebrating that. With promotions, awards, playful wenches and lots of alcohol. Congratulations, Torrak! Smiley
Aye, random promotions for all mages would be nice Smiley

Congratulations Torrak! Smiley
662  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: I have a son! on: June 05, 2010, 07:16:51 pm
Congratulations Cel Smiley

I'm very happy for you and I wish little Cel health and succes in his life ^^
663  OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / Biding farewell on: June 03, 2010, 03:09:17 pm
Time pasted after the cowardly attack of Yew. Ilyana sat on the benches on the barracks roof and watched Bersi and Sabal sparring each other. Holding her stomach in pain, she knew something wasn't alright, but was to feared to let these thoughts become reality...

She fainted away several times, and when she slowly came back to herself, Bersi was sitting behind her. "Ye should have ran, when I told ye to." he started. Ilyana sniffed and answered: "But... I's couldn't just let ye stay alone there! Ye're like a big brother to me, ye know?" Bersi smirked and lowered his voice: "I planned on running, as soon as they'd attack, but with ye around, there was no point in running. Can't let them having yer baby, eh?" Ilyana started wheeping as he said that. "Now there lass, there's no need to wheep. Just make sure ye're going to a doctor or something." Ilyana noded and wiped some tears.

It didn't take long when Lucas arrived at the roof, sitting next to Bersi and Ilyana. He sensed, that Bersi wasn't himself since a while and talked to him for a while. Bersi gimaced, as Ilyana and Lucas left the barracks, looking for Amielia, the nurse of Vesper, who had some business going in Cove. "Amielia! I need you to check her." Amielia came closer to them and eyed Ilyana "You are the pregnant one, right? What's wrong?" "Yew attacked her", said Lucas for Ilyana, while keeping her on her feet. "Yew?!" Amielia shaked her rapidly, "Do they don't know any limits these days? Well, be better go to the Covian healer in that case."

Amielia and Lucas helped Ilyana sitting on a horse and together they moved southwards to Covetown. Amielia went inside and prepared everything for Ilyana. "Sit on this bed, lass. I'll check you immediately." Ilyana took of the upper part of her armor, so the nurse could take a look at her, while Lucas squezed Ilyana's hand. Amielia glanced at it with a sad expression and lowered her voice: "Hrm... Your stomach is swolen up and you look badly injured... May I talk with Lucas for a while?" "Me?", Lucas responded. "Hmm... Okay. I'll be right back by your side, Love." The two went a bit further from the bed and talked to each other, while Ilyana could not hear what the nurse were saying. Lucas noded a few times and came back Ilyana with a sad face expression. Not that Lucas had to say anything, Ilyana already knew of his expression what's wrong and started crying, as Lucas holded her close. "They will pay for it, I promise...", he whispered slowly to her. "Amielia said, you should not go into any fights or anything like it for at least a week. You'll stay this night at my place." Ilyana wiped her tears and noded slowly to him.

After Amielia made the last preparations for Ilyana, to lower at least the pain, Lucas and Ilyana left to his house. As they arrived there, Lucas helped her up the stairs and layed her on the bed. Ilyana glanced at the walls around her with empty eyes and started whispering: "I's want their heads, Lucas..." He noded and pecked her lips softly. "I'll take care of it, my Love. You just make sure, you get better... We will go through this together." Ilyana noded a bit and because of her exhaustion, she slowly fell into slumber. Lucas kisses her forehead and layed himself next to her...
664  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A report send to Torrak Keres [URGENT!] on: June 02, 2010, 10:07:06 pm
Commander Keres...

Another black day between the relations of Cove and Yew... After Bersi made a prank with sheeps to them (Watchman Sergo will send ye the report), an entire troop of the yewish men arrived at the barracks, where only I and Bersi were for that moment. After they insulted us badly and wanted us to pay the taxes, Bersi lost his patience and started insulting them back.

All of the yewish men leaved, except for D'rem, Walker, Longshot and Wilkes, which wanted us to pay the taxes. Already knowing what will happen, we casted our very own protective spells, nay offensive ones! This must have creeped the shit out of them and they attacked us. Smashing their heavy weapons on us, they injured Cor'Vani, Bersi, and myself...

After they beated us up on Covian grounds and left, Vesper shortly arrived, for backin' us up. Although it was already too late now, they came at least...

*signed, the report smeared with blood strains*

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman
665  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Invincible Arcanists on: May 31, 2010, 12:16:16 pm
Attended Guardsmen:

[Team I]
- Torrak Keres, Commander (leading)
- Valiro, Senior Scout
- Kal Shadowhand, Junior Scout
- Sergio Jarret, Guardsman Recruit

[Team II]
- Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman (leading)
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
- Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

Commander Keres wanted us to bash on each other again... Actually it seemed he wanted to bash on us, the arcanists. After teaming up and discussing our strategy, the other team already stormed towards us, almost all of them bashing on me, or at least tried to. It seems, they still think I'm that weak arcanist girlie, that is helpless without Bersis hand. First round ended for a very quick victory for us, without any los.

In round two, they switched their targets constantly, still not able to bring down any of us. After be knocked out all of them, we were looking for Kal, and when we finally found that stealther, we gave him the wickest pain he probably ever had felt...

Even in round three, Valiro didn't want to split the mages up, as he was still looking for a possibility to crush our defense. We three worked awesome together, that must be said. Anyway, even in round three, they didn't stand a chance against us and it was another flawless victory for us.

Then finally, in round four, teams were set up new. Kal had to leave for some reason, so Bersi and Torrak were together, Sergio and Cel, Valiro and me. With Valiro in the shadows always near, we decided to attack Torrak first, and brought him down very easely. Next target was Sergio, and he too was no challenge for us. Afterwards, me and Valiro tried to bring down Bersi and Cel, though they were fast as a weasel. It almost seemed they were teaming up even, and while a moment I was not focused, they knocked out Valiro. The battle went on for quite a time, only us arcanists on their feet. In the end, Torrak ceased the battle, as once again, no arcanist had been defeated.

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

666  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Know thy weapon and surroundings... training... on: May 30, 2010, 11:06:23 am
Attended Guardsmen:
- Valiro, Senior Scout (leading)
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
- Demarian Tel'var, Senior Grenadier
- Ilyana, Junior Guardsman
- Sergio Jarret, Guardsman Recruit

Valiro once again invited us to another training. This time, he started with the basics about knowing the foes and your own weapon, meaning, your own speed to hit and the other. For example, if the foe has a faster weapon, then -you- must decide when to clash. Sergio was the one, of which was an example to be setted. He did a very good job against both, Demarian and Valiro, staying close to them with the faster weapon all the time.

Second part of the training was once again about crosshealing. We teamed up in the first round, while I was with Valiro and Sergio, in the other team Bersi and Demarian. Those two showed no mercy, attacking as almost all the time with mortal strikes and poison, with made it hard to react fast between defensive and offensive.

We moved on to a more decent part of crosshealing, this time I was with Sergio and Demarian. We had to move, attack and crossheal at the same time, as Valiro and Bersi were both ranged fighters. It was difficult, but somehow we managed to bring down at least Bersi, before Valiro ceased.

Last round, it was time to show, why arcanists are simply outstanding. Bersi and I teamed up against the others, while they switched their targets often. Bersi and I worked pretty well together, always keeping an eye on each others health and still attacking the others. With no real difficulties, be knocked out Demarian and Valiro, but showed mercy to Sergio.

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

667  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report for the Commanders on: May 28, 2010, 08:13:05 pm
Great Commanders of Cove's army...

Once again, the alliance between the Guardsman Militia and the Baronship has been kicked with feet by our "beloved" allies.

I had some business going around the Haven bank, and as soon as I arrived there, their Footman Annabel picked her crossbow, aiming at me. Of course Leo Madsen had nothin' better to do than insulting me. Insults back from me, from him again, and then he attacked me.

I forced him to stop three times with disarming and paralyzing him, even told Kevin Longshot to tell him to stop. Still, Madsen kept shooting at me, so I simply defended myself and attacked back. Already after a few spells, he fleed, like the coward he is.

This is simply no way to treat allies, even if their and our religions are different. If soon nothing will change, there will be great loses on both sides.

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

*some scetches have been attached to the bottom of the letter*

668  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Training/Basics on Consumables on: May 28, 2010, 07:06:55 pm
Attended Guardsmen:
- Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman (leading)
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
- Ilyana, Junior Guardsman
- Sergio Jarret, Guardsman Recruit

Cel ordered us on the barracks roof for a little training, or better said instruction about consumables, especially for the recruit.

He asked him about several of them, as grapes of wrath, enchanted apples, and orange petals.

For Bersi and me it was really nothin' new, but Sergio may has learned one or another thing, though he already knew most of those items.

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

669  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: May 28, 2010, 06:55:50 pm
*Ilyana kills a grizzly bear*

Bersi: You killed Escaflowne...


Bersi: Excellent work!
670  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Cor'vani Thaeldan on: May 28, 2010, 06:54:05 pm
*reads through the trials and smirks*

S'what you get, when you don't write them yourself. Or I might just get old and my eyes tired...
671  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Eason's Treasure Hunt on: May 27, 2010, 07:02:47 pm
Attended Guardsmen:
Gregor Eason, Senior Guardsman (leading... well... sort of...)
Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
Ilyana, Junior Guardsman
Cor'Vani, Watchman
Sergio Jarret, Guardsman Recruit

Attended Civilians:
Tweeso (actually leading)
John Smith
James, the Green Goblin Mascottue

As the most brave ones gathered at Cove's coast, we headed off to those turbulent waters, while Bersi and I did not really liked this unsafe ground... Eason though seemed to enjoy this trip on the oceans, drinking his rum, singing strange songs and stripped. It seems, when you stay too long bald, the hairs growing into the brain...

When we arrived on the Island, where the treasure has been, Sergio and I were told to stay at the cannons. Now almost totally naked Eason and the others moved away, but shortly after returned with some bad company. Not the natives, as Eason expected. With our Cannons, we shooted down our foes and kept the losses at a minumum.

The sailor Tweeso had another map of a treasure, also buried on this island. This time, we all went on our search for it, and when we found it, already another troop of liches, ogres and gazers attacked us.

With two treasures found, we set sails back home to Cove and John invited us all for a free round of drinks.

Ilyana, Junior Guardsman

672  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Cor'vani Thaeldan on: May 27, 2010, 06:40:55 pm
Excellent work, Watchman! I'm sure Bersi will show us the scetches of the 40 banners needed.

Keep up thy good work and you'll be Junior in no time!
673  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Great Covian Recruitment Campaign! on: May 26, 2010, 05:23:43 pm
Ten banners have been placed among some of the most important places around Sosaria. They are bound to bring a thousand of new meatsh- err... Recruits!

674  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Ye may kiss the bride on: May 26, 2010, 02:28:29 am
He is. But most of the time useless though.
675  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Cor'vani Thaeldan on: May 25, 2010, 11:42:15 pm
As Miss Sanderson is still imprisoned, I will take care of watching over your trials.
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