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OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Leaving the game.
on: August 26, 2007, 04:49:06 pm
I'll pass it over to you then Qom If you want to ICQ Zoie when he comes on next and let him know when you want to transfer. Its all ready to transfer when you are.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Leaving the game.
on: August 25, 2007, 10:01:38 pm
I'm not really sure of the exact size, its about 15x11 ish, 3 stories. Its not a huge house but its in a nice spot, and room to park a boat outside
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Leaving the game.
on: August 25, 2007, 09:53:41 pm
Hello all.
I'm leaving UO. I don't have the time or energy to play any more.
I wouldn't want my house to go IDOC, and all my things scattered around New Haven. So if anybody would like my house and its entire contents, to use as a home for your characters or indeed as a BoC building, then its up for grabs.
If you don't know where it is, its just a couple of houses up the shoreline from the BoC Navy Headquarters. Its called House of Hayden and I think the owner on it still says Jorn.
I shall pass the house over in a couple of days, I can wait a week or so if somebody needs time before they can take possession. Just let me know here if you are interested, or ICQ Zoie Hayden and he can pass the message on.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Best wishes
on: August 12, 2007, 08:57:14 pm
Take a break, sure - but try to see things different way and come back someday. Or try RPing a civilian No matter what will you decide: Best wishes and good luck with everything! Hehe, gosh no I'd be an awful civilian, I can't seem to skill up my tailoring even after making millions of items. But, no.. its a bit more than that, I just didn't fit in with the culture. I wanted to be a part of the guild, and I wanted to be included in what my husband was doing as well. But roleplaying a 'yes' man isn't really me. Definately not for the army life I suppose. As its very difficult in BoC to roleplay anything other than that, I increasingly felt I didn't belong. At the end of the day I play RPGs and MMOs to have fun, and I wasn't having that much fun, and that was reason I decided to leave. You may remove me from the forums now, powers that be. PS: I'm usually around on my two main characters Serdan and Celestina.. Say Hi if you see me.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Best wishes
on: August 12, 2007, 01:02:21 pm
Seemed to me as if you played a very err.. needlessly suspicious character Amelia! Might be easier to fit in for the first time with a friendly character *grin*
I have absolutely no idea why you would think my character's personality has anything to with me leaving.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Best wishes
on: August 11, 2007, 10:53:48 pm
I decided, ratherly abrubtly, to leave the guild. I felt it wasn't for me. I didn't fit in. I have tried to become engaged and participate in the roleplay that is on-going, but feel for the most part I am intefering in the larger scheme of things. I have in fact felt like a 'goosberry' butting in on cyber from time to time. Most of you have been great, and have welcomed me. Some haven't and I have felt (for reasons I don't know myself) to be at odds with certain individuals. Having said that, I have greatly enjoyed some of the RP activities, especially those of Raiden's and I hope the BoC continues to grow and grow. Have fun! Peace out. Amelia
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Sentry at the Barracks... oh what a night!
on: August 11, 2007, 09:53:48 pm
Barracks SentryWhen: Saturday 11th August Where: The Barracks Commanding Officer: Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Corporal In attendance:- Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout - Garand, Junior Scout - Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit We were lazing about the Barracks when Corporal Zoie Hayden arrived on her steed, and quickly got our butts moving. A sentry, yep! We were to be on Sentry duty this fine hazy, ale swigging evening. No rest for us. First off we needed a few fortifications; crates and hides.. so we quickly gathered those and commenced the building works. All was quiet to start with, but then a couple of strange looking men came by. Looked and acted a bit odd, called themselves 'The Hats' or somesuch nonsense. The highlight of the evening was when we were visited by the wytch woman from the Vesper Trading Company, supposedly fleeing from the vast armies of Vesper. I highly doubted this as she'd been 'lucky' several times escaping them and surviving, very odd indeed. Anyhow she sought sanctuary with us, and we responded... It was worrying for a time, definately something brewing on the horizon so to speak. I won't be sleeping soundly in my bed tonight. I'm not sure of the outcome of this, but Corporal Hayden was very diplomatic, and sent our Scout, Garand, out to ascertain the situation... he did come back, thankfully. *Signed*Amelia Cane Guardsman Recruit
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Dungeons, Dragons and Dalamar
on: August 09, 2007, 08:00:07 pm
Hunting Expedition to DestardWhen: Wednesday 8th August Where: Destard Commanding Officer: Raiden Morana, Grenadier Sergeant In attendance:- Dalamar, Regular Scout - Kal Shadowhand, Church Servant - Kerri, Junior Scout - Garand, Junior Scout - Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit Supplies were required. A trip to Destard was arranged. Raiden Morana gathered us up outside the Barracks and we hastily made our way to the dungeon. Once inside we encountered many beasts, just dying to give us their hides. It wasn't only dragons in there either. Not soon after entering we came across Dalamar, who joined us on our hunt. We came across what looked like an old abandoned miners camp, deep in the caverns, and many many water elementals. We handled them all with ease, and gathered a great deal of needed leather for the supplies. When we could carry no more, Raiden lead us out into the open and back to the Barracks, where we piled up our bounty. We gathered no less than: 352 Horned Leather 204 Spined Leather and 242 Barbed Leather We also collected about 3850 in gold, after Raiden had given us a very generous sum each for our efforts. A worthwhile and enjoyable hunt! *Signed*Amelia Cane Guardsman Recruit
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Basic Emotes...
on: August 08, 2007, 03:02:37 pm
*Chortles* - A like.. fat old posh man laugh kinda of like 'Hohohohoho'. I know I -am- English and had no idea what that was to begin with. I had to ask my brain (Hoagie) what it meant.
I never knew exactly what that meant either so I guessed/assumed it was like a gutteral laugh with lots of snorting involved, hehe. To give you an idea; Santa Claus, and Chorlton from Chorlton and the Wheelies chortle. Snorting is more often associated with fat old men who are about to die of heart-attack.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Basic Emotes...
on: August 08, 2007, 02:58:51 pm
... And snickers is the same as sniggers ... Snickers is chocolate, don't ever forget that... chocolate! And it also sounds like Knickers. So when anyone uses snickers as an emote I will be thinking of those things... Back on track... It didn't even dawn on me that some of the weird and wonderful words we use in our emotes may not be so quickly interpreted.. I shall be a little more careful and try to make my emotes more explanatory in future.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: A squeler or not?
on: August 06, 2007, 11:36:56 am
Is placing a heavy object (erm say a bag of coins) on your keyboard whilst you go off and make supper considered skill macro'ing?
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: UOKR Picture and general discussion
on: August 05, 2007, 04:38:49 pm
KR went gold end of June, and has had a couple of major patches since. This took many people by surprise (even the fanbois) who kept saying things like "but its just beta", "what do you expect from beta testing", "when its launched it will be better than 2D".
I really had high hopes for KR myself. I'm very disappointed with it. If I released software that full of bugs at work I would be fired. What worries me most is people who are trying UO out for the first time are trying to play the game with KR. Its not a good advertisement for the UO universe, and I think it will put many newcomers right off, and chase them away to an unealthy, addictive grinding MMO.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: UOKR Picture and general discussion
on: August 04, 2007, 11:29:24 am
Only thing I like about KR is the fact I can perform tricks on my horse! As for the rest of it, well.... die KR! PS: Thats not Amelia by the way dressed up in magery gear, oh no no. Just in case anybody was thinking of giving me a court marshall.
OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / [Script] Ezmerelda
on: August 03, 2007, 10:28:42 pm
((OOC: I thought it would be nice for those of you unable to attend the plays to be able to see the scripts. To that end I spent ages... yes ages! transcribing the recent play Ezmerelda into notebook. Here's the result, enjoy!))
Written and Directed by Zoie Hayden
Players: Flina Trix as Lady Ezmerelda Desmond Krieger as Lord Matthews Ileana Leontine as Typhoid Mary Mercy as Jewel the Maid Amelia Cane as The Vendor
Act I
Scene I - Mid-day
[Lady Ezmerelda and her husband, Lord Matthews sit in reading chairs in a posh, yet cozy great room in their home.]
Ezmerelda: *Looks up from her book* Dear, you know I just realised...
Matthews: *Stays focused on his book* Hmmm?
Ezmerelda: Our 12th wedding anniversary is on Sunday isn't it?
Matthews: *Looks up, then looks at the calendar on the wall* Ah! You're absolutely right! We shall have to celebrate in our usual way.
Ezmerelda: Wonderful! *Closes her book and jumps out of the chair* I'll of pick up the food and drink from the market. You start going around and invite the guests!
Matthews: *Gets up and heads for the door* Sounds good! I'll be back in a few hours then.
Ezmerelda: As Will I!
Matthews: *Leaves stage right*
Ezmerelda: *Shouts* Jewel! I need you please!
Jewel: *Shuffles in from mid-stage, smiling* Yes Ma'am?
Ezmerelda: Stop calling me 'Ma'am'. It's an odd thing to do to your best friend, you know.
Jewel: Sorry Ezzy, rules of the trade. *Pauses* Ma'am *Grins*
Ezmerelda: *Narrows her eyes and smiles* Anyway, my husband and I will be out all afternoon preparing for our anniversary dinner on Sunday.
I'd have you go in my stead, but I need you to prune the roses on the walk, ok?
Jewel: You got it. Where are you going?
Ezmerelda: Just up to the market.
Jewel: *Frowns slightly* Be careful. There's a lot of unsavoury types there that'll pick up on your being a Countess.
Ezmerelda: Bah, nonsense. I'll wear a dirty scarf around my head, see? *Wraps a scarf around her head like a bandana*
Jewell: *Looks concerned*
Ezmerelda: I'm off then! Don't worry about me! [Exits stage right]
Jewel: [Exits mid stage]
Scene II - Marketplace, early evening.
Ezmerelda: [Enters stage left to a hustling, bustling, crowded marketplace, with various stalls including one with fruits and vegetables on it, manned by a hunched sinister looking woman.]
Vendor: *Eyes Ezmerelda and says in a raspy, shrill voice* You tha'! Git yer fruit and veg hea', freshest ye'll find in this 'ere market!
Ezmerelda: *Smiles* Ah! They do look nice indeed! I could use some turnips and a rhubarb actually.
Vendor: Goo' choice! *Eyes Ezmerelda's jewelry as she puts the
vegetables in a bag* 'Ere ya go! 5 Crowns please. *Hands the bag over*
Ezmerelda: Thank you kindly! [Takes the bag and hands some crowns to the vendor* [Exits stage right]
Vendor Ta! *Watches Ezmerelda walk away* I could retia' wit' those rings tha' strumpet 'ad on 'er... *Hangs a 'closed' sign on the stall* [Slinks off stage right]
Scene I - Evening
[Just after dusk, Ezmerelda walks along a lonely, dark road on the edge of a graveyard]
Ezmerelda: *Enters stage right and wraps her coat around herself* Damn, it's getting cold now as well as dark, I shouldn't have spent so much time at that porcelain stall...
Vendor: [Suddenly jumps out of mid-stage, disguised] *Holds a knife to Ezmerelda's body* Right! Give me yer jewels and anting else ya got!
Ezmerelda: *Scared with voice trembling* Of course! Don't hurt me please! *Begins removing her valuables* My husband is Lord Matthews you know, you'll never get away with robbing a Countess.
Vendor: Is that Right? *Sneers* Well, if I'm to be caught anyway, perhaps It'd be a Bette' id ear if I killed ya to make sure I git me money's worth. *Slides the knife along Ezmerelda's cheek.
Ezmerelda: *Panics, then screams out* NO! *Turns to run*
Vendor: *Smashes her on the head with the butt of her knife*
Ezmerelda: *Collapses*
[Stage lights dim, time passes]
Ezmerelda: *Wakes up and stumbles about* Urge.. *Feels her head* I've got to get home... [Runs off stage left]
Scene II - Ezmerelda's home - evening.
[A fire burns in the fireplace and Lord Matthews is seated at the kitchen table, looking absently into a bottle.]
Ezmerelda: [Enters stage right running] Darling!
Matthews: *Says depressedly into the bottle* My Love...
Ezmerelda: *Throws her arms around him*
Matthews: *Remains still, looking away*
Ezmerelda: I was attacked by some kind of bandit on the way home! She stole all my jewelry and even hit me on the head! *Weeps*
Matthews: *Says in a low voice to the bottle* Attacked... for what? Some Jewels? Something irreplaceable had to be taken to claim some gems?
Ezmerelda: *Sobs* I'll be ok in time, honey...
Matthews: *Suddenly stands up and slams the table* I'll find whatever mad did this and make sure he pays! [Storms off stage left leaving Ezmerelda knelt on the floor] *Slams door*
Ezmerelda: Darling? [Runs to stage left] *Tries to open the door, but it's locked* Darling?! Don't leave me out here alone! *Pounds on the door sobbing uncontrollably* *Slumps down to the floor, sobbing* [Walks to centre stage] *Lies down in front of the fire* So cold...
Scene I - Marketplace, mid-morning
[Bustling crowds and stalls, with a strange elderly woman standing to stage right]
Ezmerelda: [Enters stage left] *Wraps her cloak around herself tightly and shivers* *Walks up to a stall* Hello there! I wonder if you've seen my husband, Lord Ma..
Vendor: *Shouts over Ezmerelda* Git yer fruit 'ere!
Ezmerelda: *Sighs* [Walks a few steps further]
Mary: [Walks over to Ezmerelda] *Places her hand on her shoulder* Hello lass, you look a little lost and confused. Can I help?
Ezmerelda: *Starts* Oh, hello. I doubt it unless you've seen my husband about? He left the house without a word and has been acting strangely toward me.
Mary: Ah. I'm afraid I haven't seen him but I think I can help explain some things...
Ezmerelda: Oh? Like what?
Mary: Why don't you show me your home? I am old you see, and my feet are very tired...
Ezmerelda: Yes, of course, this way. [Leads Mary to stage left]
Mary: What's your name love?
Ezmerelda: Ezmerelda...
Scene II - Ezmerelda's House.
[Jewel is dusting stage left. Ezmerelda and Mary enter stage right]
Ezmerelda: Here we are. *Shows Mary in*
Mary: It is very nice indeed.
Jewel: *Looks toward the door* Hello! May I help you miss?
Ezmerelda: Jewel, this is my guest. She is called Mary, see to it sh...
Jewel: Well? Are you in the habit of wandering into private homes or something?
Ezmerelda: *Says confusedly* Jewel, I just told you, she's my guest...
Mary: Do not be alarmed child. Ezmerelda is here with me.
Jewel: *Gasps* What?!
Ezmerelda: Of course I am! Can't you see me standing right here Jewel?
Mary: *Puts her hand on Ezmerelda's arm* Ezmerelda, you are no longer a part of this world. You are... dead...
Ezmerelda: What?! How can that be? I'm still here, I can see you, and you see me!
Mary: I can only see you because it is my gift to do so. You see, you died that night you were attacked, but your soul was not allowed to move on.
Ezmerelda: Not allowed? *Looks horrified*
Jewel: She's really there next to you? Oh Ma'am I miss you and the Lord is devastated!
Ezmerelda: *Begins sobbing* Why am I stuck here than if I am dead?!
Mary: Because your death was a senseless act of violence, you are doomed to wander the world as a spirit. You must find a way to take revenge on the one who killed you. Only then can you be free of the violence and allowed to ascend to the next world.
Ezmerelda: How can I possibly do that in this state?! *Sobs*
Mary: I will teach you! *Grins*
[Mary and Ezmerelda exit stage right]
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Equine Care
on: August 02, 2007, 09:43:29 pm
Horse Husbandry ClassWhen: Wednesday 1st August Where: Outside the Barracks Commanding Officer: Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Officer Cadet In attendance:- Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant - Eve, Grenadier Officer Cadet - Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman - Sean Greyson, Watchman - Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit - Kal Shadowhand, Church Servant We gathered with excitement outside the Barracks, mentally choosing our horses as Zoie Hayden explained why we were there. We were to be taken through all aspects of caring for a horse. But first we were each presented with a steed of our own to look after for the duration of the training. We started by learning about the types of food we should be giving our horses, and we also prepared some water for them to drink in barrels. Not long after all the dining did our horses show us the result; and a quick lesson in 'mucking out' followed. This wasn't the most enjoyable aspect of the training. We all took pleasure in making our horses look their best, with a comprehensive grooming session. The horses were very well behaved (in fact better than some Covian Guardsmen I have met) and allowed us to complete our training. Zoie was pleased with the results I think. Maybe she was secretly picking out her next Dragoon hopefuls! *Signed*Amelia Cane Guardsman Recruit