It was only yesterday, that i learned what *flails* was. Since im english isnt my first language of choice, im having some minor difficulties understanding them all. I´ve learned a great deal of these emotes, of course, but were always recruiting, eh?
What about setting up a permanent topic, about the basic emotes? i think it would help a great deal, to at least my roleplay!
*flails* = waving your arms up and down, at sides
*sniggers* = laughing silent, and a bit menacily
*snickers* = ?
Got a few i would like ti transform into short emotes, as:
*twitches fingers* - is what im saying when im trying to show with my hands, that i want money. The message havent gone through once, so it must be wrong
Got a few of those, but... *coughs*
Aye a thread of basic emotes would be grand!
*signed in thick handwriting*