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Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Unborn Trial ~ Althalos
on: May 28, 2009, 10:36:12 am
Good Soulss Unborn, This final tessst of vyss sstrength thisss iss. TRIAL : SSHRINE AND SSENTRYCreate a ssshrine for the massster clossse to the Baronssship Houssehold. Thisss sshrine musst double asss a fully fortified ssentry. Once built leave the ssshrine do nyssst. Too great the army isss. Order the memberss of the legion to remain inssside and defend only. Prepare thesse thingsss vysss will: tubss of blood, limbsss of mortalsss, boness, cratesss, torchess, hidesss of beastsss and anything elssse vyss find appropriate. 1)Thisss deed mussst be done alone. Nyssst take anyone with vyss. 2)At least two other legionairesss musst accompany vyss. - feel free to sssoulssend mysself or Jacob or Kurt to accompany vyss. 3)Guard thisss fortified sshrine, pray to Guardian, and ssshare ssstoriess for thirty (30) minutesss vyss will. 4)Report. 5)Write vyss Unborn ssstory, for the Archivess vyss will. Thiss iss a brief hisstory of vyss life. Nyssst attach it to thisss report. Write it on ssseperate parchment. Once thisss iss done vyss will ssstep into the boness of thosse before vyss and face the Master! A fine Undead vyss will become! For the Guardian!*Etched* Mordraut
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Unborn Deed ~ Althalos
on: May 28, 2009, 09:31:52 am
Ssso Unborn... Noticed have vyss that vysss flesssh iss beginning to decay and rot from vyss feeble mortal husssk? Chosen vyss the Guardian hasss, sso sset vyss I will vyss final deed. Assss vysss doubtless know a colony of Undead livesss by Delucia in the Losst Landss. Once long ago the orcss lived bessside thiss ssettlement. However, ssavage mortalsss have long sssince driven them off. Want thessse mortalsss headss I do. Collect them for usss vyss sshall. ~ Travel to the Delucia Sssavage Fort. ~ Obtain five (5) Tribal maskss. ~ Vyss may complete thisss tassk alone, or with an ally, but ssoulssend me if you wissh me to accompany vyss. ~ Report. Good Soulsss! *Etched* Mordraut
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Unborn Deed ~ Troy Bellon
on: May 22, 2009, 10:59:50 pm
Good Soulsss Unborn, Doubtlesss vysss know, but the Well hungersss for sssoulss. Have a deed for vyss I do. Complete thisss tassk alone vyss may, but by all meansss bring an ally with vyss if vyss choosse. Sssoutheassst of Yew deep within the woodss vyss art to venture. Along the road to Ssskara Brae and Yew ssstumble upon a mortal camp vyss will. Aggravated me thessse humansss have, reap their ssoulss vyss musst. Ssslay them and bring me no lesss than twenty earsss. Expect a full report and the amount of gold for the coffersss noted I do. Sssee if you are worthy, Unborn. *etched imperiously* Mordraut
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Unborn Deed ~ Casandra Vance
on: May 22, 2009, 08:20:54 am
As the clock struck midnight a bloodcurdling but familiar voice rang within the wandering Unborn's ears.
“Good Soulsss Unborn, Ssserved the Massster well thuss far, vysss have. Complete for me thiss deed, and vysss sshall be closser to immortality. Deed: Building a SsshrineCreate a ssshrine for the massster withing the Baronssship Houssehold. Prepare thesse thingsss vysss will: tubss of blood, limbsss of mortalsss, boness, cratesss, torchess, hidesss of beastsss and anything elssse macabre. 1)Thisss deed mussst be done alone. Nyssst take anyone with vyss. 2)Guard and Preach by thisss sshrine about Guardian for fifteen minutesss vyss will. Do what vysss mussst to hide vysss idenetity, but never denounce the Massster. If ssslaughtered vyss are, a ssshame it isss. Find another flesssh bag to replace vysss, I will. An example thisss isss” A bloody image flashed before the Unborns eyes:Once completed with thisss tassk vys art, arrange a ceremony the Ancient ssshall. Ssstand judgment before Guardian vysss will. In Hisss handss , vysss fate isss. Fail usss nysst mortal!!” The voice cackled madly, echoing hauntingly in her ears for a few moments before dissipating entirely.
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Unborn Deed ~ Althalos
on: May 19, 2009, 10:35:37 am
Good Soulsss Unborn, Very near isss the day vyss will sstand before the Massster and await judgement. Jusst two menial deedsss and sssome ressources sstand in vyss way, ayss? ~ Travel to the villiage of Lakesshire in Illshnar. ~ Lead a hunt: pilliage, burn, and maim many of thesse abominationss of flessh and fur vyss can. ~ Collect at least 5,000 gold coinsss for the coffersss. ~ At leasst one other member of the legion mussst accompany vyss. Our enemiess the meer art. Ussse caution vysss musst asss preceed uss our reputationsss do. The ssstrength to ssuceed may Guardian grant vyss! *Etched Imperiously* Mordraut
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Re: A Report to the Master
on: May 19, 2009, 10:35:25 am
*Mordraut turned his yellowing skull towards the report on the keep wall and surveyed the document with his hollow sockets, two moist spiderwebs glistening inside each one.*
Further progresss vyss art making, a fine job vyss have done filling the keep ssstoress. The mosst efficient unborn vyss art. Ssoon vyss reward sshall come.
Glory to the Guardian!
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Re: A Report to the Master
on: May 04, 2009, 07:04:52 am
The rhythmic and mechanical sound of footprints could be heard echoing down the great hall of the keep. The creature turned the corner sharply, his senses informing him about the presence of a bit of parchment on the table. The skeleton held the document in his bony hand and surveyed the written words with his hollowed out eye sockets. He stood silently for a moment on the footworn stone of the keep amongst the neat little piles of bones and dismemberment. A raspy sound emanated from the skeleton.
“Dedicated thiss one iss, nysst an entirely worthlesss meat ssack. Perhapsss usseful to the Guardian after all he will be. A ssound army we will soon have indeed.”
Mordraut discarded the report and vacated the room and proceeded to the keep stores to count the resources.
Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Report: Damage to His Shrine
on: May 04, 2009, 07:00:10 am
Date1st May Led byMordraut, Undead Minion Present in the LegionJacob Garrell, Undead Captain Althalos, Unborn Gold Raised500 Mordraut kneeled beside the well, folded his skeletal hands in prayer, and began to communicate with Guardian through worship. Mordraut's decaying jaw creaked open at the hinge and his raspy voice began to hiss praise.“Good Soulsss Massster, A good day it wasss. Ssspoke with brother Garrell about the orcsss that came to the dessssert I did. Know of vysss they ssseem to nyssst, but teach them we willssst. Confidence that they will be good alliess I have. Prayer at your ssshrine sseemed indispensable and ssso embark acrosss the dessssert we did. Told the unborn to come hither asss well we did. Upon oursssselvess to ssslay all the lurking beasstss asss well, we took it. Quickly before our attacksss they didsst fall. Once at the ssshrine we prayed and made much worssship. Ssseemsss it doesss that Avatari hasss led to the dessssecration of your place of worssship. Know itsss ssecret they musst. Breakage and burnsss it hasss sssuffered. Fix thisss we ssshall, Massster. Made the unborn leave usss I did. A hard working ssslave it isss, but dissssgussst me itss flessh doess. After noting all the defilement and dessaecration carefully, traveled back to the keep sswiftly we did. For now Massster, into the ground of the desssert ssandss I musst go and ressst. Aumen.”