Ssso Unborn...
Noticed have vyss that vysss flesssh iss beginning to decay and rot from vyss feeble mortal husssk?
Chosen vyss the Guardian hasss, sso sset vyss I will vyss final deed.
Assss vysss doubtless know a colony of Undead livesss by Delucia in the Losst Landss. Once long ago the orcss lived bessside thiss ssettlement. However, ssavage mortalsss have long sssince driven them off. Want thessse mortalsss headss I do. Collect them for usss vyss sshall.
~ Travel to the Delucia Sssavage Fort.
~ Obtain five (5) Tribal maskss.
~ Vyss may complete thisss tassk alone, or with an ally, but ssoulssend me if you wissh me to accompany vyss.
~ Report.
Good Soulsss!