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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / House Calls on: October 25, 2009, 03:59:00 am
I was on my way home this evening when I stopped in at the hospital, noting the lights were on. I went to check in and the patient, Gabriel, lay on the bed,m unable to move his body, yet able to speak. He had been treated by the Knights Templar, who used bleeding to try to slow a poison. The patient had a slow but even pulse and a stab wound to his side. He said he had been attacked, and slowly his muscles were tightening up. A greyish powder was found in and around the wound, and kept in a bowl in the infirmary for an alchemist to identify if necessary.  I applied a poultice of Moss and Aloe to draw any remaining poison out, as well as administered Licorice tea, with instructions to drink it every three hours with water in between to help him flush out his organs. Within a half hour he had heard the call of nature.

Morgar Dyn made him a crutch, and I gave him a breif briefing. He reported having witnessed the Templar Knights treatments and of  being taken aback by the Knights bleeding of a Covian Militia man, especially at the mess they made of the hospital.Kelly Sanderson said she would take the official report. This is my account of what I witnessed
Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius

On the continuation of my journey home with dinner and cookies for my dear sweet children, and husband, I decided to stop in and check on Ms Anna Jones. I had heard rumors of a woman having given her a scare, plus wished to follow up on her previous exam. She looked a bit flushed, and she was sniffling and sneezing a bit. I gave her a small box of Cold Care Tea to be taken daily, as well as another womens tonic, to be taken for other complaints.

Anna looked to be a bit out of sorts, but overall recovering from much stress. With as many threats as that lass has had to her person, the strength of her character is very apparent. Her garden and home were quite charming. Vaughn saw me to the door and I returned on my short journey home from there to feed my family and make more teas for my medicine kit, before getting some well needed rest myself.

~ Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Repair Hour, not just for arms and armor, but legs too. on: October 19, 2009, 12:13:43 am
At today's Repair hour, not only did Covian's have access to free repairs, but also to free medical care and consultation.

Records on each individual have been kept, and a copy of all public servants records sent to the Commander to be kept on file for the Baron.

Hopefully we will be able to continue this service alongside the repair hours for a time.

If not, new free clinic hours will be posted.

Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius
Healer, Cove
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Ringing bells and pet peeve on: October 11, 2009, 02:44:23 am
Today I had the experience of someone ringing the emergency bell at the Barracks. I arrived less than a minute and a half later to find the person who had rung the bell had logged, and two other people were there within less than 30 seconds of me.

As a kindness to your fellow RPers...it might not be a good idea to ring the bell making us drop what we are in the middle of doing to come to aid you...then...log because one person states they are busy on Guild chat. ( Disconnects are totally understandable but...yeah, its really annoying if you just go and it hasn't even been three minutes) It makes it less likely for folks to show up to real events if you cry wolf.

Purty please. Thank you!
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *A Letter to Darek Milako ~ Sealed and hand delivered to him* on: September 30, 2009, 07:34:27 pm
To whom it may concern,

I have been asked to recount some of my past exchanges with Kiran, who is currently the Bailiff of Cove.

When my husband was Baron of Vesper, Kiran approached me, after a visit to the teahouse, to grow and sell for him a couple of the herbs I have grown in small quantity and which I use preparations from for medical treatments, most notably Poppy and Nighshade. It is my understanding he wished me to grow them in larger quantities so that he might use them for his trade. I refused, as I dispense these drugs only to treat illnesses, both mental and physical.

He found I used these drugs during times I have treated him for anxiety and severe injuries after his incarceration and torture in the Yewish Jails when he was charged with the Mill Incident.

 I have also personally witnessed Kiran muttering incoherently in Swaggers inn, and it is my opinion that he suffers from some sort of mental disorder at times, though he seems to be able to function in society, as I observed him muttering to himself on one occasion, then talking to me as if I were someone else, though that could be explained if he had been using of some sort of drug.

This use of medicines may also explain why he threatened my husband to kill myself and our two infant children at some point, in order to try to illicit Van's Cooperation. Van in short order put him in his place, and the threats stopped.

Upon our move to Cove, I was rather suprised to see he had been able to secure himself the position of Baliff, with the matter of Yew who is allied with Cove having a warrent still for Kiran's arrest and ongoing investigation in connection with the Mill Incident. I should like to state that I beleive their tactics of torture in their investigations to be unreliable evidence, however, I think it bodes ill for our illustrious Barons reputation to employ someone under investigation for such a heinous crime until such time that person has been cleared of all wrongdoing.

I should also like to note that Taxes or business fees are a necessary part of keeping a town running, and I have no problem paying them to support the Baron's household which oversees the safety of Cove and its citizens. I hold receipts for both my payment and my husbands.

Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius
Herbalist and Healer,
Baronship of Cove
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Darek's Surgery on: September 26, 2009, 08:38:56 am
Darek Milako- Patient
Madeline Warmbow- Healer
Sapphira: patient #2
Edward: Rather large recruit with need to guard his superior beyond sensability complex
Reiver: helpful visiting shining knight in armor
Demarian Telvar: came at the end to take a report

Sitting back down in her office, cup of Valarian root tea in hand, Maddy began to write in her medical logs. The evening had been a long one. She had gone into town to enjoy a late night meal after a day of preparing salves and bundling herbs for the repair hour on Sunday. Upon arriving at the Goblin, she found a rather rotund recruit with a crossbow pointed at a civillian. Darek Milako lay face down on the floor, head half bandaged, in a pool of his own blood. The round recruits' hand had shakily pointed at her, while yelling at her that he knew she and the bar lass were responcible and to keep her hands where he could see them. She finally convinced him to allow her to attend to Dareks' wounds, and during the midst of trying to triage the damage and beginning treatment on the poison before it spread to vital organs, Reiver, one of the Templar Knights came in.

His presence seemed to calm the recruit slightly. Maddy finished up her assessment then asked...well more ordered the Knight to carry Darek to the Hospital for surgery to save his life. She strongly suggested a lung had been punctured, and his ears were bleeding, indicating a head injury, and he had been poisoned. About then, the barlass, Sapphira, fainted.  The knight hastily got Grenadier Milako to the infirmary, then returned to insure that the recruit did not use the woman as a human target bute.

The surgery on his lung successful, now she concentrated on the growing bump on his head. It had split wide open, exposing the skull, but lucky for Darek, he had a hard head, and there was no fracture. Unluckily, his brain was not as hard, and he was hemorrhaging inside, bleeding out his ears. She took a small awl-like tool and began to drill by hand, a small hole into his skull, careful not to drill too far. Once a small hole was made, blood began to drain from his head, and he very shortly after began to come to.

After shaving then stitching the wound to his scalp and re-bandaging his head, Maddy spoke with Darek in order to find out how damaged his thinking was. He neither remembered his own name, nor recognize her, but he remembered that he was a Grenadier for Cove, and seemed to recognize Demarian...though he called him Vlad.  Maddy had also tried to rouse the Barlass, Sapphira, to no avail. She had gone into catatonic shock seemingly. She apparently had been assaulted by the portly recruit when she did not respond to him after she and Reiver had taken Darek to the hospital. She had fainted just prior to them leaving the Goblin with the injured man, and Reiver had gone back to check on her while Maddy did surgery.  Maddy had found it odd that Sapphira was charged with the crime by him. In her report to Demarian, she noted there was no blood on the barlasses hands or clothes. He agreed that surely a barlass would not have had the strength to do this sort of damage to a fully armored and trained Grenadier.

Finishing her report, and tea, Maddy trudged upstairs, and into bed, where a softly snoring Van awaited.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Angry Mother on: September 21, 2009, 04:22:25 pm
Maddy Fumed as Van told her what had transpired earlier in the evening.


Apparently a guardswoman had told their child to leave the area immediately for brandishing a wooden sword. The girl was only seven. After questioning Ember Maddy found out that Ember had asked the lady to tell her father who was "in the gobbledy gook". Van said no one ever came into the Goblin to notify him, and went searching for her after she did not return as she had said she would in just a few minutes. Ember had only gone off to try to find her "Crew" of guardsmen. She herself had told her daughter to always listen to the guardsmen, that they were there to protect her...and that if she didn't listen and do what they said immediately, they would throw her in the brig.

Ember was still shaken, and her eyes had brimmed with tears at recounting how the troll was trying to eat her special pedigreed "shape changing" dog. The two had bonded strongly and were inseparable. Freida was learning new commands, and shapes.

She decided to Pen a letter.


Dear Commander Morana.

   Would you KINDLY remind your men and women that young children should be returned to their parents if found, NOT told to immediately leave the area for brandishing wooden swords.

My daughter was lost and nearly killed by a troll because she was told by one of your female soldiers to leave, merely because she was holding her wooden sword in search of her "Crew" which I believe you are the "Cabin boy" of. She tried to return to our new home on her own, following orders, and got lost on the way, as we have only recently moved here.

Ember also asked this soldier to tell her father who was in "the Gobbeldy gook" and Van received no word, and went out searching for her. He found her defending her pet from a troll. She is extremely shaken by these events.

I now see why Cove has so few children.

Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius
7  Element boards / Citizen Board / Repair Hour growing into a small Market on: September 20, 2009, 09:37:48 pm
8  Element boards / Citizen Board / Supplying the Army on: September 19, 2009, 05:23:33 am
Captain Hoagie Grayner requested that I make a number of Bolts and Arrows for the Army. I have supplied the Army with the following:

4000 Bolts
4000 Arrows

Sadly my daughters shape shifting dog and Van's Goat ate the sketches I had hired an artist to make. My apologies for such a short and uneventful report. As Cove supplied the lumber and feathers needed for them to be made, there is no bill for the army to pay. The work I consider my duty as a citizen of Cove- to keep those who cover our arses keep us safe well supplied.

When needed, I would be glad to be of further assistance to keep Coves Finest supplied.

Madeline Warmbow
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