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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ~Watchman's Trial~ Dermott Eason on: July 02, 2011, 10:18:26 pm
Recruitment: Dermott's Banners & Stall

I chose Saturday eve to visit New Haven and try my hand at recruitment. Whilst I nay got any takers, I got lots of strange looks - an' hopefully this means we be marketin' tha' Army well!

Tha' be mah Watchman's Trial complete!

Watchman D. Eason
Apprentice of Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Grenadier Aspirant, Covian Army
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ~Watchman Trial~ Dermott Eason on: July 02, 2011, 12:19:15 am
Discipline: Dermott's Training

Attendance List
Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist
Edmund Rufus, Junior Scout
Dermott Eason, Watchman
Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman
Avalynn Vale, Guardsman Recruit
Kelban, Guardsman Recruit

All aspects of the required training were covered.

Watchman D. Eason
Apprentice of Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Grenadier Aspirant, Covian Army

3  In Character Boards / Old Events / More Trainin' - 5.30pm BST, Thursday 22/06/11 on: June 22, 2011, 03:00:49 pm
Aye, tha' second phase o' mah Watchman's Trials be DISCIPLINE. It's mah job ter train ye boys an' girls well fer tha' Army. Now, I be learnin' mahself so nay except too much. Ba' I'll do mah best fer Cove an' fer tha' Army.

When: 5.30pm BST, Thursday
Where: Barracks Rooftop, Cove
Bring: Bandages, Armor, Parade Arms.

See yer thar!

Watchman D. Eason
Apprentice of Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Grenadier Aspirant, Covian Army
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ~Watchman Trial~ Dermott Eason on: June 22, 2011, 02:43:05 pm
Leadership: Blood Dungeon, Ilshenar

Attendance List
Torrak Keres, Commander
Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist
Jassi Cowin, Junior Guardsman
Dermott Eason, Watchman
Abel Nightroad, Guardsman Recruit
Kelban, Guardsman Recruit

Whilst this task o' leadership were designated ter me, I admit tha' I had tha' help o' Commander Keres and Senior Valentine fer winnin' victory this eve. Without their skill and direction there'd nay be anyone left ter tell this tale. Nonetheless, the hunt went grand - and it taught me how important such events.
Trainin' at tha' Barracks is fine, ba' it ain't until ye're out on a Hunt tha' yer build true trust in yo brothers an' sisters in arms. Yer also learn Healin' an' Movement, an' I hope ter capitalise on this fer mah Trainin' Sesh. S'also needless ter say, I'll be leadin' pretty more Hunts in tha' future - an' ensurin' I get plenty more trophies.
Tha' opponents this eve were a hard bunch, made harder by some green tactics deployed by mahself - I hope to go back there again sometime and utilise more effective strategies, such as those presented by Commander Keres an' Senior Valentine. Ba' as requested, we got tha' JAWS! An' tha' BONE WING! An' we slayed many o' them daemon folk! FOR COVE!

P.S. We owe our lives ter Senior Arcanist Valentine this eve.

Junior Scout Edmund Rufus returns, an' our advance terward Blood Dungeon.

Sketch o' a forward post (ruined by Nightroad when he jumped out at me in tha' Barracks!), an' awaitin' brave Nightroad's return from providing reconnaissance on tha' Balron (which ended badly).

Engagin' tha' Balron, and then being VICTORIOUS!

Killin' daemons, an' our first ill-fated assault on tha' Succubus.

Defeatin' tha' Succubus an' gettin' jumped by a paragon daemon on our way out!

Dismissal at tha' Barracks. Job well done!

Watchman D. Eason
Apprentice of Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Grenadier Aspirant, Covian Army
5  In Character Boards / Old Events / Blood Dungeon - 8.30pm GMT, Wednesday 22/06/11 on: June 21, 2011, 11:58:39 am
Soo.. Aye, I been er.. permitted tha' great honour o' leadin' a squad o' guardsmen ter tha' Blood Dungeon in Ilshenar to hunt down a batch o' demons, balrons, and succubi. It be fer mah Trials, so I'd appreciate yer support.

Bring plenty o' bandages, as there may be a few paragon lurkin' around.
Thass all.

When: 8.30pm GMT, Wednesday
Where: Meet at the Covian Moongate
Bring: Lots Of Bandages, Combat Arms, Insurance!

Watchman D. Eason
Covian Army
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ~Watchman Trial~ Dermott Eason on: June 14, 2011, 07:08:06 pm
*Grunts* I ain't no son other than tha' name given to me, but thank yer for them Trials, Senior Tel'var. I won't let yer down, sir.

Watchman D. Eason
Covian Army
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