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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Beginning of Dormacks History (kinda long) on: August 21, 2005, 10:13:19 pm
The two boys rolled around, knocking chairs over and shaking the torches on the walls. The largest one regained his footing and tackled the other into a nearby table. Across the room in the shade of the corner, an older man sat alone, reading. He glanced up and shook his head slightly, he reached over and grabbed handle of his cane. He found a seat by the fire, and swatted the two boys as they neared.

“Sit down! It’s time I told you two a story of two brothers. Perhaps than you’ll gain some respect for each other!” the elder man growled.

The two boys dragged their feet around in a sombre manor and found a couple of chairs. They sat by the fire, and prepared themselves for a story. The old man, adjusted his pair of glasses and rested his cane on the ground beside his seat. He looked deep into the fire and spoke calmly.

Dormacks child hood is very shaded, very complicated, and yet so fulfilling.

The town of Prontale wasn’t always the ideal place to grow up. There was constant militia activity between training and the battles that often occurred just outside the cities walls. It may have been hard, but it was bearable, because Dormack seemed to be pulled through just fine.

Janean and Derek Shander had two very gifted children, Dormack and Gerosh. The two were pulled from the womb only moments apart from each other. They were identical twins; the only difference was the color in their eyes. Dormack had his mothers, an open-minded intelligent woman, while Gerosh had his fathers, a rough tough militia fighter.

The two twins often argued over small ordeals over the first few years of their existence: who got to play with the cup and ball, who got to play with the dice, who got to try and swing fathers sword. But with hands down, the two brothers had a stronger bound than a blood oath taken by bandits. Whenever another lad would insult one of the two brothers, the next was surely there to back him up.

Derek Shander, their father, taught Dormack and Gerosh how to handle a sword at a young age. It started with simple thrusts and body movements using daggers and skinning knives, because at the age of eight they weren’t quite strong enough to wield a full blade. The brothers practiced day and night, not only with themselves but other militia fighters who had taken a liking to the descendants of their captain.

By the age of roughly sixteen, Dormack and Gerosh was master swordsman. Trained by the best warriors in Prontale, the brothers couldn’t be matched in a battle by people in their age category. The brothers agreed on everything, except for one thing, the arcane magic’s.

Like his father, Gerosh despised wizards and witches; they thought they were too powerful for their own good. Some wizards would spend their entire lives trying to learn simple spells, while some would master the art in a merely short time. Along with practically the entire militia, they thought they’d grow to power hungry. This caused the few mages of Prontale to live secretly, and band together in a secret society. This alone was the only way they could go about living.

Dormack, aside from everyone else, was open-minded. He admired the fact that only the most intellectual of people could master the arcane arts. He never told anyone else that, but he always tried to explain the only wizards without morals, and with cold hearts would be power hungry. He believed that there were wizards that had hearts like theirs, and thought just like them. They only wanted to protect Prontale, and did so in secrecy. His father and brother just shrugged off Dormack’s attempts to make the wizards look like normal people.

The day of the annual fair was quickly approaching. Dormack and Gerosh had been training for this day for years, they had to be sixteen to enter in the two against two-sword fight, and now their time finally came. Little to there knowledge, they weren’t the only ones preparing for the day. Far to the east the militia of Crookedcreek were preparing for a well-devised ambush on the entire city of Prontale.

The day of the fair arrived and the two had fought together all day long. They had won all of their fights, which brought them to the final duel. Dormack wielded a broadsword along with a wooden shield, and Gerosh held his executioners axe tightly in his grasp. The two other fighters were mace fighters, and seemed a bit jumpy after watching the brother’s tactics. The referee raised a ribbon in the air.

“When I drop my arms the fight begins.” He said.

The crowd roared in cheers, clapping and all sorts of noises. Three loud cracks were louder than the crowd though, and the cheers and clapping came to an abrupt halt. Three arrows had been shot right into the referee’s spine, the cracks being the spine snapping. The ref dropped his arms, along with his body as it crumpled to a heap on the ground.

People started screaming as warriors from the Crookedcreek militia flooded in through the front gates. Archers started appearing from the shadows, carefully picking off targets. Citizens were dropping like flies as the militia started slaughtering. Prontales militia was quick to be on scene though, full force retaliation. Dormack looked around confused, he quickly spun on his heel and deflected an arrow with his shield. Again, he looked around confused; his eyes darted around trying to find someone. He looked up into the bleachers, a group of men in dark coal robes stood tall. He hadn’t noticed them before, but he couldn’t understand how they just appeared. He saw the quick movements of their hands, their mouths moved even quicker. Fields of glowing energy began to appear trapping a large number of Crookedcreek militia fighters into a tight square. Balls of fire, and bolts of energy slithered from the fingers of the robed men.

Dormack watched in amazement at the ability of the robed fighters. People quickly fell to all sorts of colorful blasts. His eyes widened as he came to realize whom these men truly were. They were apart of the Secret Organization of the Magi. Gerosh rushed by grabbing Dormack by the arm; together they charged four heavily armored men. Gerosh heaved his axe, the blade cut easily through the plate helm of one of the soldiers. Dormack ran to the left, and quickly darted to the right, slashing across two of the men and blocked the third’s blow so his brother could retrieve his axe. The two erupted from behind the shield and overwhelmed the third soldier, slashing him down. Dormack threw his shield back up and a quick defense to block a blow. The brothers made quick work of the last two opposing soldiers.

The battle only lasted about twenty minutes, a surprising slaughter of the Crookedcreek militia. The tall robed men had seemed to disappear in all the confusion after they eradicated a large number of the opposing force. Dormack was left wondering where they went he was left in admiration.

From that day on, he read alone at night the secrets of the Magi. He read what only a few people had been able to find out about the secret organization and their magic’s. It started as nightly reading, and slowly grew into full day explorations. Months after the fair, Dormack’s father along with Gerosh and the rest of the militia had found out about Dormack’s secret research.

It had all happened so quickly, the fight between Gerosh and Dormack, the banishment from his home, and two militia fighters dead. Dormack had left his home, after being banished and pursued in a search for the Magi. The two brothers, bounded by birth and blood, we sworn enemies. Gerosh made a pact with himself that day that he’d hunt every wizard and witch down that he possible could, and Dormack made a pact with –himself- that he would rid the world of close-minded witch hunters.

The old man leaned back in his chair, sighing slightly. He reached down and took hold of his cane. The two boys looked up quickly.

“Where are you going?!” they asked impatiently.

“That’s enough for this evening. I hope I’ve talked a little sense into the two of you. The bound between brothers can be broken to easily, and it’s not worth a life of hatred over. You two have to learn to get along. Maybe than, I’ll tell you of the tales of the twins lives from that time on.” At that, the grandfather stood up and stocked off into his room.
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: My Offer, My suggestions. on: August 18, 2005, 10:48:23 pm
1) we are a roleplay guild the point of the guild is to roleplay pvp is a side only so any and all such trainings should only be run if they dont take away from other events as this will be detramental to the roleplay hapening

This isn't taking away from anything. When people are bored, or people such as myself 5hrs behind you..can do it when no ones on. I would never ever interfer with rp to do pvp. The reason I came to Europa was to purely rp, so I wanna make sure you understand that.

2) use your necro warrior? only if your going to fel to do this cos i can bet octi hasnt let a necro/warrior into the guild so that wont even be in gild training never mind IC so i can see some BIG problems with that that im not even going to go into in detail ill just leave it at dont do it in public please

I don't disagree with you at all. It was an idea I was tossing around, didn't really expect that one to go anywhere just for that fact.

3)your rank is not yet sufficient for you to be runing training so you cant really do these

I was under the impression that once I was watchman I was allowed to run some training because I need to run a certain amount to move on in rank. If I was wrong, let me know, and I apologize.

4)mostly OOC ....... once again defeats the point or a role play guild.

I can accept that, and I won't argue with me. If you think I'm pushing it a bit to much with the PvP, tell me. My ICQ is 282201710. I assume that with all these threads and the way I kind of pushed on it all at once caught you off guard. I want to make sure that you and the rest of the leaders of BoC understand Im not trying to substitute PvP for anything in the guild. Just a little fun thing on the side to build the militia up to be strong. I wouldn't ever try to disturb the rp..or do things that would run through events. We'd end up like A^K  Cry Also, I was about to assume that it'd be alright to make posts on tips and way to survive while fighting. But I can tell that your entirely against me even suggesting ways to not die while fighting. So I ask that you just leave what I've already posted for others to read, and if it's to much for you I won't continue posting.

ICQ me if you have any further problems. Once again, 282201710.

3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Arming Macros 101 on: August 18, 2005, 07:17:46 pm
Well some people don't have UOA, like.... *Coughs* myself... 

So maby focus a bit of your advice towards those who don't have the fancy third party programs as well?

Buy it.

Anyways, if you don't have UOA, than you can still work back and forth, it's just a bit more work. Manually arm your "kryss" than use the macro to disarm it..than arm a different weapon and just use the equip last weapon macro.

4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Training Implementation. on: August 18, 2005, 06:27:08 pm
Written by: Deckeond

For those who can run trainings right now, here's a few ideas.

Basically about training you can agree with me or you can be wrong.

Training needs to be somewhat categorized, in terms of what its dealing with.

So here's the break down of how it should be college course style
Each portion will have Theory and practice sections

Basic game skills
Entering Combat
Character Templates

Intermediate game skills
In-Game Macros
Game mechanics utilization
UOAssist (optional but recommended)

Advanced game skills
Combined Macros Uo Assist and UOA
Complex Macros UO
UOA recordable macros
Spellcasting -> Timing, Queueing, Targeting, and chaining

Spells, cast times, effect times, and effects.
Spell usage: Combos, Suitability
Magery as Combat skill (Battle Mage training)
Combat Support as Mage

Combat Support as Dexer
Using Parry Dexer
Using Pally Dexer
Using Nox Dexer
Ranged Dexer

Spells, cast times, effect times, and effects.

 Group Fighting
Implementing a Gank - Dropping em fast and dirty
Surviving ganks , Walking out alive, making sure your guildie follows you out alive.
Guerilla Warfare: Strike Teams, Pairing

Alot of these will intersect but the more effective people can be alone the less dependent on the group.
At the same time the more effective the support character the stronger the group and the more damage we can do.

5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Tips & Tricks! (Legit) on: August 18, 2005, 06:17:23 pm
A problem that often occurs on the field are mages. Luckily, there arn't very many of us Tongue. But with the 0/0 casting rule, unluckily for everyone but mages..we have nothing to lose by casting protection.

The spell protection allows us to cast without being disturbed. This includes being poisoned, bled, or just simply being hit.

So when a mage is tearin ya up on the field or in a duel, How do we stop the pain?!??!

The special move paralize blow will disturb a mage as he is casting. I recommend using this as they are about to cast a cure or a GH.
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Tips & Tricks! (Legit) on: August 18, 2005, 06:15:17 pm
Dexer Accuracy increase.

Wanna hit more often with your dexer?

Get your swing timing down and dont stand still.

If you can take 2 steps between swings then stop right as your swing timeer is about to be up. You have a higher chance of hitting.
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Tips & Tricks! (Legit) on: August 18, 2005, 06:14:56 pm
I only want posts on this thread to be related to tips that'll help people out. Even if they arnt pvp related, just neat tips/tricks for training, hunting, or gathering materials.

This should probably go in the UO assist and you block but ah well

The insta heal through poison trick.

(Note the concept works well in other aspects of uo assist.)

In UO set a macro to cast your prefered heal spell . ( works best with lesser heal or Close wounds)

In UO Assist set a macro on the same key combination to Drink Cure
On this macro select the "Pass on to UO" box.

Thats it.

Now every time you cast that spell it will attempt to drink a cure pot at the same time.
If you're not poisoned game will return "you are not poisoned" and you dont lose your cure pot.

And if you are poisoned the cure will take effect without cancelling your spell
8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Wish List For BoC on: August 18, 2005, 06:13:08 pm
Alright, were kinda bouncing around on scroll conversation.

Jenovia, ICQ me how much gold you have to spend, and I'll help you with the 15 stat scroll.

Athalus's post wasn't about stat scrolls but it was still quite correct. 120's go for a substantially larger amount than 110's and 115's.
9  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Wish List For BoC on: August 18, 2005, 05:16:02 pm
In this thread I want people to post what they really need, and we'll see what we can do.
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Arming Macros 101 on: August 18, 2005, 05:14:13 pm
Something that slows most people down in fights, is switching between weapons, or rearming after you get disarmed. Using this tip here will allow you to rearm/disarm your weapons without opening your paperdoll or your back pack.

Open UOA window
The bar second in from the left says "Arm" Click it.
You will see two columns on the left. Right hand item, and below it will say left hand item. On the right there will be "main, alernate, alternate 2, alternate 3"
Have the dot clicked on Main, arm your “weapon of choice” and save it as the right hand item. (To save an item, right click on the column)
Click on Alternate, arm your “other weapon of choice” and save it as your left hand item.
After you do that, go to Keys. It’s the 4th one in from the left up top.
Once you’re in there it'll say Arm, Arm alternate, arm alternate 2, arm alternate 3. Click arm, and make a key for it, and click arm alternate and make a key for it.
Do this for all of the arms, most people only use one or two weapons, but if you use more, it’s the exact same as to setting the first two.

Now, close all that and go to uo options. Go to macro page, and make a macro for Arm/Disarm. Make a macro for right hand, and left hand. Than make a macro for Equip Last Weapon.

Now your all set.


Main = Kryss
Alternate = Spear

Arm = 1
Arm Alternate = 2
Arm/Disarm right hand = 3
Arm/Disarm left hand = 4
Equip Last Weapon = 5.

You’re walking around weaponless. You click 1, and get your kryss. You click 3 to disarm, than click 2 to rearm spear. You click 5 to go back and forth between the two.

Example 2.

Your fighting with your spear, and your kryss is on Equip last weapon. Your fighting away and get poisoned, no ones around to cure you. You’re at half-life, and your aid is about to cure you, but the guy has you on the ropes. Hit the Equip last macro button and switch to your one handed weapon, this allows you a free hand to drink a cure pot. This examples based upon the assumption you don’t have parry.
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / My Offer, My suggestions. on: August 18, 2005, 04:51:05 pm
I've spoken to some of you about this already, and now Im bringing it to the boards. With the recently losses of battles, we need to strengthen our ability to fight. We're great at healing, but lets face it we're just not killing them quick enough.

I'm a high class pvper on Atlantic, it's what I've played for in the last couple of years. Im going to be using my abilities, and my knowledge and put it towards the Militia.

First off, my private trainings. I'm offering to any of those who'd actually -really- want to learn to fight better, and to live longer, private lessons. I can cover from basics all the way to the most advance way's of fighting. The trainings would be mostly OOC, party chat for its easier to cover things. There'd be a little rp invovled just so there wouldn't be two of us standing there fighting.

One of the strategies of teaching that I'm going to use, is the ability to be able to stand toe to toe and fight with a real pvp mage/warrior. I'm going to use my pvp necro/warrior and go one on one with those of you who come into my training. I don't expect you to beable to kill the warrior, but the entire point of it, is to be able to stay alive, and put up a fight. If your able to atleast do that, fighting a warrior in all GM won't be a problem.

If I'm allowed, I'll be running some specific trainings. One will be towards purely offence, there will be several trainings of purely offence. The second will be defence, there will be several trainings of purely defence as well. I have drills that will greatly increase our ability to heal. It's easy to cross heal just standing still, but while your running in circles in the heat of battle, it's not as easy.

Im going to start making post's such as "Basic's of Fighting 101" "Macros 101" "Tricks and Tips" and so on. All of these posts will prepare those of you who don't already know all this. I know I've already helped one person into strengthening their ability to fight just by showing him some things on UOA.

Speaking of posts, I will be making a "wish list." As a guild, we are a family. Those of you who want/need Power Scrolls, and simply can't afford them or find them, I'm willing to help. I'm also asking, that those of you with money pitch in and help as well. I have no problem supply members with scrolls, weapons, regs, whatever else is needed for your training. As a guild, we should all pitch in and make each and everyone of us the BEST that we can be, with game mechanics. In the wish list, people can post certain scrolls they want, whether it be stat or power scrolls. We can help each other out, if someone has one and another wants..please help them out.

If anyone has any questions, my ICQ is 282-201-710. I'd like to get the ball rolling on all this, so let me know. Also, if any of the leaders see a flaw in this, speak to me about it.

12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ICQ list! on: August 18, 2005, 06:20:25 am
Dormack Shander 282-201-710
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Hammered into the board* on: August 18, 2005, 06:03:15 am
Dormack was strolling through Cove, his lips whistled softly. He drummed his fingers against his spell book carelessly, not a worry about-except the slight possibity of an ambush from the Kaldorians.

His whistling slowly faded away as his eye caught a piece of parchment hammered into a piece of board. He turned and took a few steps towards it, reading it carefully.

" These are no mere unfortunate happenings. This is a sign of one thing: Witchery!"

He rubbed his spell book slightly, he sighed and kept reading.

"Those who aide the Witch Hunters shall raise in good stead"

He read the last couple of sentences and nodded slightly. He drummed on his spell book a couple of more times before saying:

"Uh oh"
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Raid on Shame (report) on: August 10, 2005, 03:48:25 pm
Raid on Shame

Overseen by: Commander Eason

Squad lead by: Veldrin

Dormack Shander - Recruit
Garand - Watchmen
Katy - Recruit
Althalus - Scout Sergeant
Aileron - Recruit
Erik - Recruit

(I don't know the other squad, I only know Kal lead it.

We gathered at the barracks, our squads were made and we hurried off to shame. Our squad was to crumble the earth elementals in the first level, while Kal's squad went to the second to fight. Commander Eason told us to clear away for Kal and his men, so we set in.

It didn't take very long for the elementals to know of our presence. They seemed most reluctant to let us by, so battle broke out, and earth crumbled.

We continued our way through the level, our ranks and forming seemed slightly sloppy but something we could work through we thought, I did atleast. A roar was heard, and the ground beneath us started to shake slightly. "FORM" was yelled, and before we knew it we were being rushed by earth elementals. With some quick work, thinking, and slight team work, they were dispatched of.

Commander Eason came and relieved us of our duties on that level, and we set off to the second. We came to the portal and most of us jumped through, except for Veldrin. We were pulled back to the first level, and put in place by the Corporal drow. We were quickly back on track and crossed the first bridge in the second level.

It wasn't long before we were engaged in battle with the dull copper elementals. These elementals were special, because of their extremely tough stone build, and their ability to brake people with their blows. Neither the less, it was dispatched of.

We hurried further into the level, crossing the second bridge we made our way to the back.

At the back, it started with an engaged battle with the sea serpant. The serpant wasn't very tough, and was quickly killed off.

Before we knew it krakens were swimming over and joining in the battle. Dull's started coming around the corner, and we were quite overwhelmed. Thanks to the lack of forming, and the ability to cross heal, some of the squad was beaten down.

One last kraken came, and he was taken care of. Commander Eason soon came and relieved us of our duties in Shame.

A good haul of gold was made in the raid, but some bitterness was stirred up. It was quite clear that us recruits needed a tad more work in forming.

-Dormack Shander

15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Raid on Despise on: August 09, 2005, 04:04:01 am
Raiding Depise

Lead By: Drachir

Dormack Shander – Guardsmen Recruit
Katy – Guardsmen Recruit
Lokua – Guardsmen Recruit

Commander Eason led the over all raid on Despise. There were two squads, Drachirs and Kal’s. We were instructed to start in the lower level and fight the elementals, and ettins. Kal’s group was to start in the upper level and slaughter the lizards, both squads would switch up a little while in.

We ventured into the lower level; carefully picking our steps we followed in the wake of Junior Guardsmen Drachir. We heard low growls from the distance, but seemed to become substantially louder as we neared. An ettin ran straight down the hall towards us, both heads bobbing back and forth and his large stone hammer in hand.

“FORM!” Was yelled, and we gathered together. We quickly dispatched of the foe and heard a roar behind us. Quickly we spun around to face an earth elemental. We were already formed and prepared so with some quick work the elemental began to crumble.

We quickened our pace and marched through the cave. Loud growls and angry heavy screams echoed off the dirt walls. We looked around us, and heard the scampering of tiny insects as the ground began to shake. A herd, if that’s what you’ll call it, of ettins ran towards us, screaming loudly and swinging their stone hammers.

“FORM!” Was hollered once again, and we became a tight pact. The warriors worked fiercely to apply band-aids to one and other as they fought. I was untouched and focused my abilities to healing, and large blasting attacks against our foes. We defeated the ettins in a surprising quick time.

Commander Eason came and relieved us of the lower level and told us to move to the second. We hurried across the cave and passed Kal’s squad. Stopping momentarily we both groups exchanged nods and continued on.

We emerged into the upper level of Despise, charging towards a back room filled with lizard men. A lady in chains was locked up and surrounded. The loud command to form was screamed, and we gathered together. Swarms of lizard men kept coming, but we worked quickly and fiercely and defeated them without any loses.

We were in the upper level for a short time and left the cave to meet with the others outside. With all of us gathered, and our limbs still intact praise to the Avatar and Cove were given. Sergeant Arc opened a portal to the barracks and we left the area.

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