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1  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Re: Report on Fishing Trip on: September 05, 2006, 08:16:52 pm
Har, a fine boat that is commandeered.

I'm sure the Baron will be happy.. if we tell 'im *wink* *cough* which of course we will
*looks around*

Well anyway for the grand first hunter report of a fishin' trip, I've never been on one o'them..
and a grand amount of fishes caught, yer can 'ave 20 Lovely dubloons!

maybe I shoul' mark this down someplace.. *rummages around*
2  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Re: Task for Khaelieth on: September 04, 2006, 08:43:15 pm
Arr, Grand stuff there Khaelieth.

I thought 'e might have gotten himself in some sort o'troubles.

Well i'm glad he's all right.

Welcome aboard, the 2nd recruit, of hopefully atleast a few more!

We shall get you sorted ou' with a simple leather set, nice woodland colours.

Unless you have a set of nicely coloured already?

If not, give the artisans a should an' let 'em know I sent yer.
3  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Re: Bulk Order Contracts on: August 21, 2006, 09:05:42 pm
The Hunters Guild requires 20 benches. Simple wood is fine, none
of this fancy business.

No matter
4  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Harpy Hunting Ground on: August 17, 2006, 08:57:25 pm
Harpy Huntin' Ground

The tracks were heavy jus' outside the openin' .. I foun' the corpse of one
of the large winged beast.. the blood was fresh an' recently there had been a fight..
 The smell of death hung in there air.. I made my way further inside the opening..

Not far in the main nest could be found, swarming with the beasts, I managed to evade
 the larger of the grey winged harpies.. foul beast tha' look like they could be made from
stone.. I stayed only long enough to take a few small sketches, but think it could be a
place plentiful of feathers and meat..

Four nests in all.. some with eggs not laid long... These should be avoided so as to not wipe
 out all the beasts offspring, when they mature into beasts of larger than a man.. or woman, as
 I nay seemed to see a male of the species.. then they can be slain.


Limm Hunters Guildmaster

My writing isn't very visible, the ink must have run, in the rain.. but it
is a short walk from the Shrine of Spirituality.
5  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Hunting Grounds. on: August 17, 2006, 08:51:49 pm
Here yer should be postin' huntin' grounds fer animals, make sure
 the animals be plentiful enough to warran' the notice.

Pos' a small report below with directions an' draw a map if yer can.
6  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Task for Khaelieth on: August 14, 2006, 09:37:59 pm
Right Khaelieth.. I've 'eard yer interested in the guild, as I 'aven't met yer personally yet, I've set a small task to assess your trackin' skills..

It's one close to me 'eart but I'm so busy with things tha' I can't spare the time.

Me dog 'as gone missin' Now i've not long had him an' he don't know his way around properly, So i'm worried tha' he may 'ave found himself wanderin' on some trouble.

Now 'eres' a picture of him..

'Ell answer to the name 'Tommy' though i'm not too sure he likes it.

Last time he was seen, 'e was headin' in the direction of the Graveyard..  I'm hoping he's clever enough to 'ave found a hidin' place an' not gotten hims brains (no matter how small they be) eaten by a zombie..

See if yer can find him an' I'll let yer in.. and i'll reward yer with some coins.

*A neat signature*


7  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / The Hunting Lodge on: August 14, 2006, 09:04:36 pm
As Of 11th October 2006, my account shall be cancelled, I've been having too many problems with internet lag and being bored that i'm leaving UO for the time being, I'm sure Oct will place someone with more time to spare in this role, and I wish them all the best, ta ta for now!
8  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Personal/Bulk Orders on: August 08, 2006, 05:00:30 pm
If you wish to place an order with the Hunters guild, please do so below.

Supply the following information:

- Item Need
- Amount Required
- Specific Type (i.e. any specification on the animal, for example 'Deer Hide')
- Special Requests (Do you need it very soon)

Please place your orders a week in advance, (a bit more for horned leather) as with the guild running at such a small scale at the moment, I will require extra time.

If you have any other questions please contact me either in person or via pigeon courier (#121450868).

Thank you for your business.
9  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Hunter's ICQ List on: August 08, 2006, 04:51:56 pm
Please post your pigeon, hawk or whatever animal it is tha' carries your message. Post the cage number below, so your fellow Hunters can contact you if needs be. Please provide the following info;

- Name (Rank)
- ICQ Number
- Animal that carries your message (So we don't shoot them down while hunting.)

I will add them to the list as and when, Thank you.

  • Limm (Guild Master) - 121450868 - Pigeon
  • Kerith (Common Hunter) - 126033853 - Pigeon
10  Command Boards / Archived Citizens Posts / Re: Personal Order Contracts on: August 05, 2006, 03:07:02 pm
I Require a quote for the following.

1 Exceptionally crafted Spear.

1 Exceptionally crafted full
suit of armour. Studded Leather armour (with a cap), the best
type of leather you have in stock.

Could you also dye the leather woodland colours (Green gorget and
 gloves, and the rest normal brown leather colour)

Hunters Guildmaster

Grand work on this.

Thank you.
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