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1  In Character Boards / Old Events / Thursday 6th December, Avamass Market in Yew! 7pm, uk time. on: December 03, 2007, 06:14:25 pm
Avamass themed market..speaks for itself really.

Come dressed in an avamass theme, and possibly win a prize, of you want a stall feel free to turn up with your goods, and we'll sort you a table.

It'll be held in YEW TOWN.

Thank you.
2  In Character Boards / Old Events / Tournament, 18th of Dec, 7pm, Gather in Stonekeep! on: December 02, 2007, 11:42:42 pm
Gladitorial Tournament.


Armour/Weapons Will be issued on the night.

Bring your friends! - Ale and Food will be served for spectators.

First, Second and Third Place Get Cash Prizes!
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: It's a... on: December 02, 2007, 10:52:55 am
Congrats matey.

4  In Character Boards / Old Events / A Wedding! (Saturday, 7PM UK TIME) on: November 30, 2007, 04:28:53 pm
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Skulls, Doom and plenty of hitting the dirt. on: November 11, 2007, 09:02:27 am
Leading: Mela E. Arkay

*Hoagie, Dragoon Sarge
*Celuvian Haap, Watchman
*Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout

I found Sergeant Arkay, placin' banners about the land, an' she decided we could go and place some at the entrance to Doom, however once there, she had an urge to go kill some stuff, so pigeons went flying, and more people turned up, Sergeant Hoagie carryin' some weird golden skull.

So we walked through this maze of a dungeon, with loads an' loads of beasties jumpin' out at us, we were able t'deal with it, easy enough. Then suddenly Sergeant Hoagie threw this skull at me, an told me t'hit a bell with it..

Ah' thought he was abit insane, but ah' did it anyway, then suddenly we are all transported on'ter this boat thing, with a teleporter thing on it. Anyway after jumpin' on these teleporters, we found ourselves on a beach. An' we heard screams and shouts from ahead, an' there was this huge beastie ahead, surrounded by taints, and tamed beasties. We charged it, an' it fell instantly.

Then we did some'fin' called 'the gauntlet', where there were five rooms, wiv' all different types of beastie in, an' one we killed them, th'lights went out, and we moved room, once all the rooms were empty, two of th'big beasties from earlier appeared, an' took a hell of a beatin'. We fought fer ages, an then left the taints t'finish 'em off.

We gathered a fair amoung o'gold on the trip.

*Scruffily signed*
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sneaky training! on: October 15, 2007, 04:37:48 pm
Leading: Mela E. Arkay

*Shayne, Recruit.

...After being suspiciously questioned by Regular Scout Dalamar, Sergeant Arkay saved me from further probing by asking me to come on a sneaking training. You know, the basics of how to sneak, and what to look for, and easy/difficult places to sneak.

First of all, Ma'am Arkay layed down three bandages, making an 'L' shape. She then demonstrated sneaking, but did it in the open for obvious reasons...or so i could see, for the not-so bright. I then copied her, it was simple enough, making sure i didn't tread on any sticks, or rocks, or anything that'd make a noise basically.

We made a list of things to look out for, the list was..
*Twigs, branches and sticks.

*Puddles (Think 'Splash')
*Small woodland creatures (Think 'Squeek')
*Tree roots

We then looked at reasons to wear leather, and made a list...
*Dyeable - To dye it different colours to suit our surroundings.
*Almost free movement
*Looks fiiiine.

We then did something, where she'd walk in any direction, and i'd have to follow, keeping close, but using as much cover as i could. This worked reasonably well, however any noise i made she could pin straight on me, however when someone doesn't know that you're there, are they going to be that paranoid, in a forest full of animals that can also snap twigs?

After that, we made a list of difficult places to sneak...
- Depending on the density of population. (Hiding behind people)
*Closed doors
*Open spaces

We then continued onwards to destard where we spend hours taking down various beasties. Unfortunately my sketches were burnt by a particularly mean beastie...

*Signed scruffily*
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Three Sergeants, and alot of deciet. on: October 12, 2007, 10:21:56 pm
Leading : Mela E. Arkay, Scout Sergeant

*Raiden, Grenadier Sarge
*Hoagie, Dragoon Sarge
*Shayne, Recruit

Well, after being recruited an hour earlier, i was called into a line up, made purely of command, and led by one..

We were to set of o deciet, the cave full of undead beasties, and nasties. We strolled in, having hardly anything to swing at, when a firey basket shouted a threat at us, sadly nothing followed the threat, so we moved in further. We went through room after room of ghost, zombie, mummy and skeleton. Finding mass graves, and such. We hit rooms full of liches, and firey things. Dispatching them quickly. There was a small issue when the two male sergeants nearly fell into a bottomless pit, but it was soon sorted after they jiggled on the floor for a while..

A fair sum of gold was collected and donated to the various divisions.

*Scruffily signed*
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Tyrael's Parade Drill. on: May 02, 2007, 07:40:15 pm
So, after a patrol to the shrine of sacrifice with Grenadier Corporal Raiden, Watchman Tyrael Styx called us to the barracks roof for a light...drilling.
Part way through Officer Cadet, Kelly turned up. We went through the very basics of the Parade Commands, and...almost successfully completed them. Regular Guardsman John Dell showing his acting skills and improvising most commands. Also a...different way of lining up was demonstrated by Guardsman Dell, with his attempted Jigg-athon, attended only by himself, as you can see in my first sketch.

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