on: November 25, 2018, 04:12:37 am
Started by Alex_Hawke - Last post by Alex_Hawke
Leading:Garrison Hawke-Watchman Attending:Alexander Hawke-Recruit Watchman Hawke caught up with me in the barracks and asked me to help him practice going through some parade and battle drills. The first thing that he had me do was Sound Off. I had stepped out of the line to to sound off for the other recruits, who happened to be boxes, so he made me run two laps around the barracks. when I got back he had us Number Off. We did a few more parade drills such as Ready Arms, Parade, turn Left. Parade, turn Right, etc.. After we finished doing some more basic parade drills we left the barracks for some combat drills. The first thing we did was a trackers line , and that was followed up by targeting specific targets. We ended up seeing an ogre so that is what we targeted. He also went over the proper way to Form up in the Box Formation, they must cover the front, to the left/right, and to the rear of the guardsman in command, in that order. We then did Charge where we killed yet another ogre. That was followed by being ordered to hide, something that I am some what of an expert at. Helping Watchman Hawke taught me a few useful things at this training that I hope will make me a better Recruit. *signed Alexander Hawke*
on: November 25, 2018, 02:30:16 am
Started by Kelly Sanderson - Last post by Hawke
Task Two: Talking to the Troops (Preparations for me drills) Feelin' a but rusty on my drill commands I decided to look about the barracks and see if I could find me a manual or two on Parade and Battle drills. I dug around the bookcases, flipped through more manuals than I knew was 'round. Picked a pile a books from the ground a leafed through 'em afore finally findin' some old dusty manuals. Figurin' it'd be frowned 'pon ta take 'em I settled in and started ta copy 'em, not big on writin' meself but reports a given meh some practice, s' funny, readin''em books is one thing but havin' ta copy 'em made me think on 'em more then I had. Anyways, I finally finished copying the manuals, even added some orders from other books I found on drill commands. Cleaned everything up and went lookin' fer me son Alexander. Figured he could help me go through the drills. Good practice fer me and 'em. *Signed* Garrison Hawke, Watchman
on: November 24, 2018, 11:44:36 pm
Started by Alex_Hawke - Last post by Alex_Hawke
Lead by: Ilyana Drachen AttendanceAlex Hawke-Recruit Xavier Kage-Watchmen Thomas Alymer-Junior Arcanist Ilyana Drachen-Senior Arcanist We were Standing at the front step of the barracks While Ilyana was tellin' us what we where goin' to be doing. She said we would be doin' somthin' called Drow Hunt. I didn't know what it was but she said that we would have to go 'ta New Haven for supplys. She gated us up 'ta New Haven and she went to the fabric shop and then to the provisioner for supplys. We then went to the ice dungeon where we would be doing the game. When we got inside she had us line up and she 'splained the rules of the game and setup the bag balls. I fought mainly Rat men because they where close to the balls and easy to manage but I haven't the slightest idea what the others where fightin'. Xavier ended un winnin' by a fair margin and I came in last, so maybe next time I should try for somthin' a bit bigger. We came back to the barracks where Xavier and I donated 7,300 each and Thomas kept his share. Overall this was a very fun event and I am very grateful that Iyana held it. *Signed Alexander Hawke*
on: November 23, 2018, 08:32:04 am
Started by Serj Eason - Last post by Serj Eason
Yes, ma'am!
Serj Eason, Watchman Covian Army
on: November 22, 2018, 09:51:26 pm
Started by Leanne Martin - Last post by Leanne Martin
Sergeant Sanderson,
as I already informed you briefly in person, here is a detailed report of what I uncovered yesterday when I tagged along with the Vesperians...
Wednesday, 21st November
I got word that they were missing a person. After my arrival, I got informed that it was none other than the Captains brother, Smithy De Blaze. I offered them to join, mostly to gather more information myself.Vesperian Captain, Rimeny De Blaze, told us that his brother can be found usually in Minoc, either at the Mines or the city tavern "The Drunken Barnacle". We went there and asked the local bartender if he'd knew anything. Only after a lot of bribing and threatening of physical violence he told us that Smithy De Blaze moved towards the city of Britain to find a new job.Moving along to the mentioned tavern in Britain, we asked a couple of more people and got approached by a local lass. As she told us, De Blaze's brother was there a couple of days ago, but hasn't been seen for a couple of days after some "Templars" visited the tavern and seemed to follow the missing person around.Next stop on our list was the tavern in Jhelom, apparently also a place where De Blaze usually could be found. This time, we gathered information quickly from the local bartender who repeated the same story as the lass in Britain.This lead for Escaflowne to the conclusion that the Yewish and Covian chapter work together. It is as I expected. Someone's trying to frame the church. Make it to us look like the Yewlanders are behind it, just to be promptly sent to Vesper. And the Vesperians get fooled that the Covians and Yewlanders work together and kidnap Vesperians. This is all a plan to incite new hatred and distrust between the three cities. And it's disappointing to see how everyone is taking the bait with their bias.As we continued to search around Jhelom, we unfortunately found Smithy De Blaze. Unfortunately, because he had already been dead.Thursday, 22nd November
With the new information I decided to work on my trials and find new clues about this whole shit. Back to square one, without any bias. Soon as we arrived, we encountered a spot where a large group of people were gathering. Far more than just the regular trespassers. By the looks of it, it seemed they were standing there for a while, walking slightly west to Yew only to make a sharp turn towards east. Perhaps the hijackers?Checking back on Khae's shack, we saw that it was untouched since his disappearance. Just a bit outside, we found a black cloak, poorly woven and drenched from the past weather, but yet not ancient.Now, I know we all want to point our fingers at each other, but let's not forget the important thing here: The missing people! Including Hoagie and Khae. Who knows how many more people are missing, less known? Pointing blades and arrows at each other will not help.
Here is what we know:
*We know that someone is trying to frame the church *They want us to believe it was Vesper, while they want Vesper to believe it was us and Yew *It is possible that Khae had been taken away because he is an elf *Prime suspects are the women known as Mischief and Ayseh, who were remembered by Miss Masteen when she was found drugged and intoxicated *It is said that both of these women have contacts to a group of mercs, formed by Kal Shadowhand when he was exiled from Cove *It is known to high ranked officials, that Mischief has contacts towards drows. Both Esca and Raiden will be able to confirm this
My theory is that the Lloth sisters, or at the very least one of them, is behind this all. The mentioned mercs may or may not be the middle men. And we know Khae flat out hates drows. Pure bloods or half breeds, he never made a secret out of it. And we also know that the Lloth sisters hate elves. The drows would profit from a conflict between Vesper, Cove and Yew. My suggestion is to search the wrongdoers outside the northern realms.Leanne Martin, Regular Scout
on: November 22, 2018, 09:09:23 pm
Started by Serj Eason - Last post by Kelly Sanderson
Find me in person, Watchman. This is being pursued as an alert now, due to the recent disappearances and kidnappings. Miss Masteen has been advised to not wander alone, even within the Covian border.
Good work.
*Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant
on: November 22, 2018, 07:32:53 pm
Started by Tyrael - Last post by Tyrael
Greetings fair citizens of Cove! I have a request for 2 Greater Conflagration Kegs and 1 Keg of Greater Explosion Potions for training and Grenadier purposes. I will gladly compensate you for your troubles!
*~Signed~* Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
on: November 22, 2018, 01:39:06 pm
Started by Serj Eason - Last post by Serj Eason
Thank ye for attending, sir! Aye. We'll grab some Recruits for the next training.
Serj Eason, Watchman Covian Army