Led by;
Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist.
Attended and Assisted by;
Torrak Keres, Grenadier Sergeant.
Faden Wildheart, Regular Scout.
In the absence of a decent quota of guardsmen to commit to battle training, a few of us set out to recruit from the streets of New Haven. The town was relatively quiet upon our arrival so 'Keres and I split up to make the most of any prospective Covian's. Torrak wandered the streets and I took to the makeshift podium of the open bar, extolling the virtures of enlisting with the Baronship as loud as I could.
The good Wildheart arrived shortly afterwards when we had matters firmly in hand and so he was dispatched to the distant city of Luna to distribute some leaflets (it has to be done, s'face it). Overall we managed to hand out a good number of leaflets and 'Keres had a very in depth conversation with one young man who with any luck may visit us in the days to come.
The recruitment will continue !
Signed in wibbly wobbly and somewhat twinkly handwriting,
Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine.
PS; If anyone else was in attendance please do not hesitate to add your name)