Training with a scoutThe scout I did training with was Jennifer Feather and Perun (congrats on the promotion mah girl). After sorting out Perun's armour we went to the Scouts hall and Jen started off with testing my eyes sight! Eyes of a cat I have, i said, quite litrally and hearing of an elf! (except that one ear with a celt ruined, I wont mention any names) . Jen placed a lockpick on a table and of course I could see it! So I passed that!
Then Jen tested mah sneaking, the aim was ter sneak around..Tickle Perun on the back, then sneak and tickle Jen and O' course being such a good sneak I were able ter do it!
After Jen took me and Perun outside and told us the tactics the scouts use, and using those tactics me and Perun had to assassinate Jen. Me and Perun did this, making hand signals in the shadow and we got her! She were impressed.
After that she taught us about disguises hers was quite good a wizard if I recall and its been decided that Perun will do a healer and me a farmer! After that she told us a bunch of equipment we needed which I'll aquire in just a few moments.
A grand training, last task done HUZZAH!