Make it [RTR]
I'd just like to elaborate on my somewhat short earlier reply.
It takes a lot of time and effort to schedule and run events, it can also be very daunting to people new to RP, new to UO and indeed new to BoC. It can even be daunting for Commanders.
So please support people who are actually taking the time to run events for your enjoyment.
Try not to go charging off. Remember no-one should advance further than the mercenary commanding.
Try not to abuse GC. This is annoying at the best of times but it can be an unwelcome distraction especially during events.
If things go wrong be supportive. People don't do it on purpose. S'only pixels afterall.
In short, to you Covians that do run events, I take my hat off to you.
Command members can't be around 24/7 and while we try and offer as many and as varied and hopefully enjoyable events as we can, unfortunately it's just not possible for us to supply multiple events every night of the week, so those of you who do run events, thank you and Command is currently looking into ways of rewarding event runners further.
And if you arent running events but want to start...
Here's a list of events to try, or simply come up with your own:,6943.0.htmlAnd here's how to put your event on the calendar:,8224.0.htmlOr simpy post it as a new topic on the events board.
~ Raiden.