Leading:Raiden Morana
Attending:- In ranking of jingle-friendly awesomeness
Elizabeth Martin "Pickles"
Faden Wildheart "Nanners"
Kal ShadowHand
Torrak Keres
Since everyone was being mean to me I had to do this report also! Even though no one else was doing one! Jerks, they're all just Jingle-haters. After a while of debating of who should do the report, everyone started pointing at me and saying I would do it, even though I called "Nose Goes" like so long before anyone even started saying they couldn't, such a unorganized group that can't follow the simple rules of Nose Goes! So here I will explain the rules!
Rules of "Nose Goes"* Someone asks the group for one person to do something, like this report.
* Everyone in the group pokes their nose and says "Nose Goes"
* The last person to do so is left to do the task!
Hopefully that will clear up the way of things should go. After all the confusion of the Nose Goes scandal, we headed off to New Haven. Where we laid down a few banners, and tried to find some new recruits. Although we couldn't find anyone new to come along and join our
cult Mercenary Company, we did spread some interest! Which is always good!
Jingle buddies!
After giving up on our recruitment tries we moved onto Old Haven where we swept through the abandoned homes, and stores, where we found some odd sites, and dead people, and not-so dead people walking around moaning "Brraaaiiinnnssss" good thing I was protected by my hat! We even found some sort of shrine to the evilness and smelly people of the Guardian and things, with a bunch of bones and dead things. It really did stink! I don't get how those necromancer deal with it, playing with dead things all day, Ewwww.
"Braaiiinn--...Shit I'm dead."
After clearing the empty buildings we moved South until we ran into a wall that contained the rest of the not-so-dead people in the rest of the ruined city. I couldn't even find a decent spot to teleport over to rain terror down upon the unknowing souls of the soulless walking not-so-dead people. Shameful, It would have been fun to watch them go like "Oh what the hell! I didn't see her even come and I was all like Arrgghh!! I'm dead... again!!" But it didn't happen, sooo oh well.
The wall standing even after the pansiness might of Keres.
After clearing the city we returned to Cove, where the Commander gave us orders to restock and return in two minutes. But I snuck off because I didn't want to be smacked with another report to do!
Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin
Mercenary Recruit