Leading Guardsman:Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant.
Attending Guardsmen:Hoagie Grayner, Captain
Torrak Keres, Grenadier Sergeant
Delferium, Junior Grenadier
Morgar Dyn, Guardsman Recruit
Louis Calavera, Guardsman Recruit
Cor'vani, Guardsman Recruit
Last night I brought a few of the guardsmen together that were in and around Cove for a couple of training exercises before bed. I think I got them a little late, as everyone kept falling asleep in line!
I sent them to the gates and back. Problem was that only two of them went. Two of them were still stood in line asleep on the spot! They eventually woke up and took their armour off as instructed previously. When I checked, all the guardsmen had at least three hundred bandages on their person, which was pretty much exactly what I would set as a guideline as an amount to have at all times.
As a third task, I asked the men to split into two teams (by this time, the guardsmen involved had switched around a fair bit). We had Team Captain and Team Torrecruit! The task was basically the standard healing exercise. The winning team was team Captain. After this exercise, I decided to pack it in and let them go to bed, as they were a bit on-edge.
Good work, Guardsmen.
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant