Your Cardinal Eminence,
Herein doth follow a brief account of Cove's celebration of Avatar's ascension last sabbath.
On this past Sundaye I didst tug on the antique rope in the bell tower, ringing the Church's bells loudly throughout Cove. With each forceful pull I didst make a clang that rang in the Household, Cove proper, the shire, and all the way to Vesper to signify to the populous that 'twas to be mass anon.
Without delaye I didst deliver a sermon about a young Avatari martyr, Saint Ives whose short life ended at the talons of the wicked elves. The virtue discussed in mass that daye was the virtue of sacrifice, for a martyr doth make the ultimate sacrifice.
On parchment in the preceptory archives I hath recorded the names of the individuals and families who didst attend. A fair amount of Covians didst show faith, and for once no serious interruptions didst occur whilst I was at the pulpit. Certes, Sister Mirja Voulle silenced those who would dare speak out of turn and awoke those who sinned so greatly as to fall asleep during mass. Next Sundaye I shall be administering a penetential so that these chyldren may hath a new manner of reconciliation with Higher Being.