Guardsmen attending:
Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant (Leading)
Falconheart Guardsmen Recruit
Anthony Poena Guardsman Recruit
Vincent Redfield Junior Dragoon
Thomas Sendrich Regular Dragoon
Hoagie Regular Dragoon
Olchafa Serpernt Regular Scout
Mela Officer Cadet, Scouts
Joey Lanai Dragoon Sergeant
Other attendees:
Sallust Commoner
Roland Dagorian Templi Squire
Garret Latham Templi Squire
The sudden gust sent up a refreshing spray of ocean water into vinces face as he awaited the arrival of the other guardsmen..T'was a pleasant evening out there by the docks, the sea seemed calm, the sun was pleasantly warm. A fine day for fishing i thought to myself.
There was a rather large turnout, obviousy fishing is more popular than i'd anticipated, but i was prepared! Oh yes, i'd chartered two fine vessels for this particular trip, and a good job too. Soon the decks were full of guardsmen, eager to get out there and fish! I split the troops into two groups, one led by myself, the other by OC Mela Arkay, and we began to fish! We started off the traditional way, with a rod and a long wait.....
........*Yawns*After a good, ohh i don't know, two minutes, we'd had enough of that, and began to do it the more effective way. By flinging out the cursed nets! Almost instantly, we we set upon by beast of enormous size and hostility!
Look at the size of them!We battled hard and without mercy against the fearsome monsters, both teams flinging in net after net. We must have hurled in a good 20 nets between us, and even a few minor treasures were found on the slimy marine foes!
As i checked the ships hold, i realised i'd one net left, of a strange white colour. Fabled to summon the legendary Leviathan, we headed to shore and prepared ourselves well. Sergeant Lanai docked the smaller of the two ships and whilst most of the group stayed on land awaiting our return, The Dragoons and I Went out to summon the beast of sailors nightmares....
The water suddenly went silent, and the sky seemed to darken....
Suddenly it was there, with a legion of minions, the ferocious Leviathan!
We headed back to shore on the double, ordering the tillerman to hurry the hell up.
I myself was knock out cold by the spells cast by these sea dwellling buggers.
Safely back to land, we believed it would be a simple case of hacking it while it lay trapped in the water....But no! It hoisted it's huge form onto dry land and continued it's rampage! Just behind us lay vast swampland, which we had to deal with as well as the huge beast. We fought like true Covians, Giving it all that we had, until it's corpse lay silently, begging to sink into the swamp. I carved off our Trophy and watched as the might form sank without a trace
Cove 1....The Sea 0Our trip at an end, we made our way home, where i dismissed the men and women and congratulated them on a job well done. Finest of the fine folks, finest of the fine....
Signed Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant
(OOC: If i missed you name, a thousand apologies. Sign below and i'll edit accordingly *Winks* :OOC)