Led By:Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal.
Attending Guardsmen:Jon Trent, Guardsman Recruit.
Drachir, Regular Scout.
Demarian Tel'var, Senior Grenadier.
Dimman, Watchman.
...And last and definately the least, good old Khaelieth.
It all started on the Barracks roof, with some crazy woman that had a raging urge to polish and clean everyone's boots. Two of our guardsmen obliged, so we were delayed for five or so minutes.
We then forced it it Cove Field, where the men were asked to run five laps to the watchtower and back to the field, whilst I set out piles of fruit and fluids.
A game was to be played! A cruel game at that. The men were required to complete fitness tasks, and the last one to fulfill the task was placed in a gap in the middle of a row of hay. After they were stood there, said unlucky guardsman was blindfolded and another guardsman was
made with brutal force offered the chance to throw things such as eggs, milk, heavy fruits (mainly melons) and grapes at the unlucky blindfolded guardsman.
Throughout these tasks and punishments taking place, Khaelieth insisted on standing behind the hay and probing guardsmen with fishing rods, slapping their rear ends, and generally being a royal pain in the arse.
The tasks that took place were things such as press-ups, running laps of places, and shaking as many apples as possible out of nearby trees. As the training session was about to complete itself, we finished off with a grand finale of what I like to call "Kick the Khae". All the men were set on Khaelieth as his
own little punishment for being a pubescent spit. The results are shown in my sketches above.
Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal.