*A crumpled-up Burgher's report, is straightened out and placed carefully back up on the Town Hall Board*
Cove and Trinsic Market (hosted by Kelly Sanderson Valentine)
What sort of Burgher would I be, if I were not to help out at the market! I was delighted when Ma'am Sanderson Valentine agreed to have me set up the fountains in Trinsic. I then busied myself setting out the wares I had to sell. There were many different stalls being set up around me and with such competition, I was just a very little worried, that I would not sell as many items as I had hoped. But the market was soon officially open and I sold plenty, much to my joy!
A talent contest was held after the busyness of the market began to die down. There were many contestants but only two could win! I was one of the contestants and one of the winners!