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Author Topic: Training report: 27th april at 19:00 GMT  (Read 2788 times)
One-handed and one-eyed Elf
Covian Guardsman
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Karma: +23/-83
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Mess with Delc and he will wack you with his stump

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« on: April 27, 2005, 07:52:05 pm »

*Delcarakdur walks over to the commanders desk and drops an report on it, then walks away saying to himself* Some improvements, but there are still much to do...

Training session

To check on the guardsmen's equipment, their formation abilities, their teamwork skills and their ability to follow orders under a battle.

Guardsmen in attendance:
- Gregor Eason, Commander
- Kas Valentine, Watchman
- Kal Shadowhand, Guardsman recruit
- Alkerin, Guardsman recruit
- Peggy, Guardswoman recruit
- Ryan greystone, Junior grenadier
- Some weird talking yellow one, Guardsman recruit
- Calico Kate, Guardswoman recruit
- Bengard, Guardsman recruit
- Kendor, Guardsman recruit
- Mikael, squire (participated in the combat training)
- And some others who joined in the combat training or were initially late...
A very good turnout in fact.

I was most pleased to find so many guardsman attend my training. Excellent turnout. I noticed a considerable improvement in the attitudes and the general state of the guardsmans equipment (and your parade arm sir!). Very well indeed. I do however have a coule of pointers
Point one: Even though the general state of equipment gas improved, there are still some guardsmen who seems to ignore their armour condition. And some still don't have bedrolls and parade arms. Not good, but lots of improvemnet since last time.
Point two: During the combat training the teams showed generally good tactics and healing skills, but there are still much to do:
- Firstly the teammembers seems to have some cooperation problems sometimes: Not concentraiting their attacks and such
- Secondly the attacking team leaders didn't always seem to have the sensibility to pull back when it would be necessairy. A cautious leader is a good leader!

The aftermath of the combat training...

All in all a good training! Well done guardsmen!

Your devoted servant and apprentice, Delcarakdur
Watchman of the cove militia
« Last Edit: April 27, 2005, 07:59:28 pm by Delcarakdur » Logged

This thread has reached the pinnacle of its usefulness. We've established Kas is a hippy. Thread locked.
Gregor Eason
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 12:34:01 am »

Well done, my young apprentice. Well done.
Also, Recruit Shane and Watchman Gryphonclaw were in attendance.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council
« Last Edit: April 28, 2005, 04:06:10 am by Gregor Eason » Logged
One-handed and one-eyed Elf
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +23/-83
Posts: 3007

Mess with Delc and he will wack you with his stump

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« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 04:27:57 pm »

Those were the two I forgot, but alas Valiro was wounded and he had to refuse my offer of training. Lots of people were at that training and well.. Being an elf, I'm not that good with human names sir!

This thread has reached the pinnacle of its usefulness. We've established Kas is a hippy. Thread locked.
Citizen of Cove
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« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 08:03:45 pm »

*nods in agreement* Ron naa ikotane...edan...
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