Skins off the Cow and Gaman
For the benefit of army admin Axiana includes the list of guardsmen present*
Guardsmen of Cove:- Mr Grayner, Mr Takeamada & Mr Tel'var
Civilians of Cove:- Mr Jarl, Miss Masteen.
With the kind assistance of the guardsmen, Mr Jarl and myself were escorted to Delucia. A fine place, to be sure, to acquire leather in great abundance! Twas mainly the guardsmen who did the unpleasant duty of slaughtering and skinning the cows, whilst Mr Jarl and myself were entrusted to cutting and then placing the leather onto the back of Mr Jarl's strong horse. Worry not! for the cow's flesh was not to be wasted either! A fair bit of cooking I set about doing upon my return.
With room still upon the horse's back, the guardsmen escorted us then to the lands of Tokuno to hunt Gaman, known well for it's hide! It was, but of course, not all they ended up slaying that day! Then later, with the horse carrying all the leather it could and Mr Jarl and myself still in once piece, we returned happily home, the day a success!