Patrol Log: 05/03/08
When: 05/03/08 2pm Gmt/9pm Est
Location: The Woods near Altmere
Commanding Officer: Takeamada, Watchman
Guardsman in attendance:
Hoagie, Sergeant
Teagan Trix, Recruit
Delferium, Recruit (Me)
As I was having a feast in the tavern after a hard day's work and ready to go to bed, Teagan Trix informed me their would be a patrol. At first I didn't believe her but there really was a patrol going on, I got there a little late but I didn't miss too much. Well I must get to the point now. We were informed that there was an unusually large number of Ogres up by the woods of Altmere and we had to go up there ourselves to ensure they weren't coming closer to Cove. So we set out through the woods to Altmere. We found many brigand camps which are quite common up in those parts and some ettins, but not too many ogres, they must have heard we were coming and ran! But we did notice a high population of Trolls up there which is odd. I myself am suspicious, who knows what those "things" are planning? We made it to the guard post eventually after many encounters and marched back to Cove. Back at home, we collected the gold and there was a LOT of it. Almost 10 000 pieces! After the supplies were collected Takeamada gave each of us 1000 gold pieces as a reward.
Delfer, Recruit