This paper is to account for all the Guardsmen and Citizens that were attending the late-night Mass last night, and also note down the happenings.
Attending GuardsmenHoagie Grayner, Sergeant
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant
Dalamar, Regular Scout
Cassius Livius, Junior Guardsman
Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit
Ileana Leontine, Citizen
A thug of some sorts whom was intoxicated
Also Attending:A purple thing
A pesky Poste writer

The above sketches demonstrate what the Friar educated us about. We had to kick a Covian from the building who showed up drunk and stinking of alcohol. Another Covian also showed his disregard for the Church, although I cannot remember.. Who he was.
Only other thing I can say is that I confessed some of my horrfic sins...
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant