...of Predator and Prey. Of Hider and Seeker. Of Hunter, Hunted, and Hunted Hunter...
The Forest Combat Training!Led By: Torrak Keres, Watchman
Guardsmen in Attendance;
Raiden Morana, Commander
Hoagie, Sergeant
Delferium Buttons, Junior Guardsman
Raven, Watchman
Eddy, Guardsman Recruit
Two teams were organized;
The Seekers [Team B]- Raiden
Delferium Buttons
- Eddy
- Raven (joined later)
Team Extreme(ly awesome) [Team A]- Torrak
- Hoagie
Aftar givin' 'em lot five minutes to gathar what they thought 'ey might need, and 'en telling 'em the boundaries, we set off inter the forest! Teams were quickly sorted, and Team A set off.
Team A lay in wait fer near to half an hour, when suddenly Watchman Raven staggered into their deviously set trap...
An Innocent Wooden Crate!!Gwuahaah! Ahem...The Watchman approached th'crate quickly, withou' caution, and flung it open, triggering the explosives! The explosion flung him back into a tree, knockin' 'im out. Team A nearly gave their positions away as they laughed hysterically.
Suddenly, Team B was upon them! Junior Buttons barked an order not to touch the crate (see reports of previous trainings). Team B spread out, searching. Suddenly, Team Extreme sprung out of the trees and quickly felled the their opponents. Team Extreme wins again!
Aftar that, most of the losin' team stammered the words "Permission to be dismissed, sah?" and quickly fled from the might of Team A. Sergeant Hoagie, Watchman Raven, and myself decided on a Free For All. Raven fell first, then Sarge
smashed tripped me. 'ah then dismissed the training!
*Signed triumphantly*
Torrak Keres, Watchman