Suh 'ah runs inter dis git s'wearin' a hat. He seems ter be one'o us, but says da boss fired 'im. Dinnae think th'boss'd do that, so I decided tah test 'im.
Weh posed as priests o'the "Church o'the Oscillatin' Mackerel" an' asked the Commander an' his wench fer donations. They wer' awl loik "Yer kiddin, aye?". We wer'nay.
'ems walked off, an' 'ah looks at Willy (s'is name, 'ah t'ink.) and weh goes to follow 'em. Weh mug 'em, kick'em around, an' make off with 'ah full Fifty Shillings.
Next weh wen' t'Trinsic, but der were no'wan der so weh sort'o mucked abou' fah awahl.
- 50 shillings
- 2.5 cookies, sugar
*signed simply*
- Monty