Kusghuul started writing his report to za Ashdurbūk. There had been both successes and failures, but none of it was his fault. Za Ashdurbūk would understand. Gripping his vulture feather quill, Kusghuul startet to write...U za Shum Ash, za Ashdurbūk Kraadu.
Gūri sadauk za tarki ūk za tyhme, tai ti blagh! Diz ti ash sketdj obve gūr vojadatug iz ash fhat tark agh ash blagh tark! Shum art ūr za Ashdurbūk!
[We attack the humans all the time, they are weak! This is a sketch of me stealing from a fat human and a weak human! Much gold for the Ashdurbūk!]

Gūr potatuga u Urksik tuw, unlyj ibve ūk tarki tiuga ahs blagh! Latob mashtar sundogatuga za eezhilyj! Gūr sadaukuga za blagh tarki gharrizhun!
[i went to Trinsic too, only if all humans were as weak! Your army conquered it easily! i attacked the weak human garrison!]

Gūrob forzhes uhlsuw sadaukuga Kobve, agh thrakatuga shum snagi! Gūr juwz tai u garmogat, gūri habve nhuw webpuhnz nhuw! Gūr den hahd za snagi ushat, shum fitogat u za uruki!
[My forces also attacked Cove, and took many slaves! i used them to mine, we have new weapons now! i then had the slaves fight, great victory for the orcs!]

Za tarki rejtharuga! ŪK fheer za uruki!
[The humans flee! ALL fear the orcs!]

Urur, za uruki nheed mhuur snagi! Gūrob vozagogatari fhynd ash tark mahrkud. Gūri ghuw u buyj snagi! Thrakat ash, nar peyj! Harrh harrh! Blagh tarki! Gūri sehll za tark u za uvver tarki! Phrofhit! Ti shum!
[But the orcs need more slaves! My spies found a human market. We go to buy slaves! Take one, don't pay! Weak humans! We sell the human to the other humans! Profit! is great!]

Gūr seeh latob sehrvhunt ish Jew! Ti shum!
[i see your servant in Yew! is great]

Gūri sadaukuga Urksik! Shum fitogat! Mehnuj mat tarki! Ūk shum tarki ti mat! Harrh harrh!
[We attacked Trinsic! Great victory! Many dead humans! All good humans are dead!]

Gūri sadaukuga Stuhhnkeep tuw! Ti blagh! Gūri fitogat, eeeeezhy! Grim'zlog hhurt ash blagh rogtar-nashra! Whyj tarki juwz nashri ishi taiob mashtar gūr nar atar!
[We attacked Stonekeep too! is weak! We win, easily! Grim'zlog hurt a weak guard-woman! Why humans use women in their army i don't know!]

Kusghuul finished the last sketches and attached the human skin to the massive bat, which quickly left for Tolagāl's black spires. He then started pinning a report on the other assault on Stonekeep...