Unexpected FriendshipKraagor awoke in their snug new cave feasting on another goat for breakfast that they were saving from the other night. After a day of hunting it was time for them to pay a visit to their other new neighbour, Vesper.
In an attempt to try and eat one of the citizens, Kraagor engaged in combat with a group of people that came to the citizen's aid. They managed to pummel one to the ground along with a bear but there was just too many for them to handle on their own.
After taking a beating Kraagor returned to their home for a quick rest.

After catching their breath they decided to head back to Cove where they met a lumberjack chopping trees in the local forest demanding his coins. Instead the man said he would take Kraagor to a place filled with wenches and gold. They agreed to this mans proposal and set off on the long journey to Yew.
On the way they talked about all sorts of affairs and battled creatures along the road together before arriving to Stonekeep to wreak havoc.

A new friendship or just a mutual agreement?