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Author Topic: Giants in the Mist  (Read 2423 times)
Escaflowne -V-
Citizen of Cove
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« on: January 16, 2009, 08:44:50 pm »

Tales of Despise

Kraagor they go by, one head Kraa, the other Gor. They grew up in the dark caverns of Despise where many ettins call home. They were always the odd ones out amongst their 'friends' during childhood, the rejects....the outcasts. They shared different views and aspirations than the rest of the ettins, aspirations they carried through to maturity.

They grew a burning hatred towards humans after the countless raids upon their homes over the years; this bred them strong, battle hardy and vengeful. Twas this lust for revenge that got them cast out from the tribe. The ettins that dwelll in this dank caves beleived that the surface is too dangerous for their kind now with the ever growing human population, they beleived that their best chance of survival lies within these stone walls; but Kraagor beleived the opposite.
Kraagor tried to persuade the native ettins countless times to rise once more to the surface, take it back by force and have their revenge on the humans for this is what Kraagor beleived. They beleived that the humans needed to pay for what they had done, forcing them from the surface lands into the underground; they thought there was just as much chance of survival up there as the attacks from the humans would not stop, the ettins could not hide in caves.
The Despise ettins decided Kraagor was a thread to their survival and so were forced out from their home.

Kraagor were now outcasts, but not much had changed, they were always outcasts even when they lived in Despise. They saught out a surface tribe of ettins that were fighting back against the humans and settled with them to join the cause. Over much time they launched attacks upon the city of Britain slaughtering many of the humans but taking many casualties in the process.
One night after a long and tiring raid Kraagor walked the path back to Despise while the other ettins rested their wounds. They stared down into the stone corridors and felt nothing. Despise was not the path they were meant to choose, it never was and they knew this now for certain; they belong with the surface ettins fighting back against the humans.

Kraagor walked the path back to the surface ettins camp....flames....pain....suffering and the stench of death filled the air. A night raid.....while the ettins were weak, slaughtered in their sleep and shown no mercy. Alone again they were.

Ever since Kraagor have been wandering alone preying on travellers and caravans walking the roads. At least they have eachothers company, although they spent most of the time argueing. Kraa's lust for power, fighting and gold; Gor's lust for women, booze and gold.....well at least they have one thing in common, anyway it was company none the less....

Escaflowne -V-
Citizen of Cove
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Karma: +8/-5
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« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 09:22:12 pm »

A New Day, a New Journey

They awoke to the usual arguements with eachother at their camp in the western moutains around Britain bloodied and bruised from their last run in with an armed caravan. They sat by the warmth of their fire staring over the horizon, this day felt different to them; it was time for a change.

They packed up their camp and began their journey to the north. While travelling through Yew they stopped off at Stonekeep for breakfast before continueing their trip.
Entering the lands of the free Kraagor decided to greet their new neighbours from Cove.

After an unsuccessful battle Kraagor retreated to tend to their wounds. Searching the moutainside they came across a cosey little cave, their new home. After setting up their new camp they headed out hunting for dinner before getting a good rest after their long day.


Escaflowne -V-
Citizen of Cove
Covian Regular

Karma: +8/-5
Posts: 169

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« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 07:05:03 pm »

Unexpected Friendship

Kraagor awoke in their snug new cave feasting on another goat for breakfast that they were saving from the other night. After a day of hunting it was time for them to pay a visit to their other new neighbour, Vesper.
In an attempt to try and eat one of the citizens, Kraagor engaged in combat with a group of people that came to the citizen's aid. They managed to pummel one to the ground along with a bear but there was just too many for them to handle on their own.
After taking a beating Kraagor returned to their home for a quick rest.

After catching their breath they decided to head back to Cove where they met a lumberjack chopping trees in the local forest demanding his coins. Instead the man said he would take Kraagor to a place filled with wenches and gold. They agreed to this mans proposal and set off on the long journey to Yew.

On the way they talked about all sorts of affairs and battled creatures along the road together before arriving to Stonekeep to wreak havoc.

A new friendship or just a mutual agreement?

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