Guarding Our Borders.Raiden rubbed his stubbled jaw and stared westwards from the barracks rooftop. Laughable! Who were they trying to fool? Or more likely, who were they trying to provoke?
His gaze rested on the stubby, grey fort that protected Cove's western flank. The Altmere outpost. Better start making plans. Soon Yewlanders. Soon enough you'll get yours.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm tasking you with reinforcing the Altmere outpost. Take what men you can find, patrol the Shire and construct and man a guardpost at the Altmere.
~ At least 2 other mercenaries most accompany you on this mission.
~ Patrol the Shire on your way to the Altmere outpost.
~ Once at the outpost construct a guardpost and man it for at least 15 minutes.
~ Question any travellers passing through about their business.
~ Post a full report below.
Commander's comments: Nay forget your tools for the construction of the guardpost and keep an eye out fer Waywatchers.
*signed*Raiden, Commander.